mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 16:21:08 +00:00
[Lua] Add CONTROL_SWITCH functions to types.Player
and deprecate them in openmw.input
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ message(STATUS "Configuring OpenMW...")
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ namespace MWLua
return input->getActionValue(axis - SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_MAX) * 2 - 1;
// input.CONTROL_SWITCH is deprecated, remove after releasing 0.49
api["getControlSwitch"] = [input](std::string_view key) { return input->getControlSwitch(key); };
api["setControlSwitch"] = [input](std::string_view key, bool v) { input->toggleControlSwitch(key, v); };
@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ namespace MWLua
{ "ZoomOut", MWInput::A_ZoomOut },
// input.CONTROL_SWITCH is deprecated, remove after releasing 0.49
= LuaUtil::makeStrictReadOnly(context.mLua->tableFromPairs<std::string_view, std::string_view>({
{ "Controls", "playercontrols" },
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "types.hpp"
#include "../luamanagerimp.hpp"
#include <apps/openmw/mwbase/inputmanager.hpp>
#include <apps/openmw/mwbase/journal.hpp>
#include <apps/openmw/mwbase/world.hpp>
#include <apps/openmw/mwmechanics/npcstats.hpp>
@ -119,6 +120,31 @@ namespace MWLua
= LuaUtil::makeStrictReadOnly(context.mLua->tableFromPairs<std::string_view, std::string_view>({
{ "Controls", "playercontrols" },
{ "Fighting", "playerfighting" },
{ "Jumping", "playerjumping" },
{ "Looking", "playerlooking" },
{ "Magic", "playermagic" },
{ "ViewMode", "playerviewswitch" },
{ "VanityMode", "vanitymode" },
MWBase::InputManager* input = MWBase::Environment::get().getInputManager();
player["getControlSwitch"] = [input](const Object& player, std::string_view key) {
if (player.ptr() != MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayerPtr())
throw std::runtime_error("The argument must be a player.");
return input->getControlSwitch(key);
player["setControlSwitch"] = [input](const Object& player, std::string_view key, bool v) {
if (player.ptr() != MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayerPtr())
throw std::runtime_error("The argument must be a player.");
if (dynamic_cast<const LObject*>(&player) && !dynamic_cast<const SelfObject*>(&player))
throw std::runtime_error("Only player and global scripts can toggle control switches.");
input->toggleControlSwitch(key, v);
void addPlayerBindings(sol::table player, const Context& context)
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ local async = require('openmw.async')
local I = require('openmw.interfaces')
local Actor = require('openmw.types').Actor
local Player = require('openmw.types').Player
local settings = require('scripts.omw.camera.settings').thirdPerson
local head_bobbing = require('scripts.omw.camera.head_bobbing')
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ local previewTimer = 0
local function updatePOV(dt)
local switchLimit = 0.25
if input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.TogglePOV) and input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.ViewMode) then
if input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.TogglePOV) and Player.getControlSwitch(self, Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.ViewMode) then
previewTimer = previewTimer + dt
if primaryMode == MODE.ThirdPerson or previewTimer >= switchLimit then
third_person.standingPreview = false
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ local idleTimer = 0
local vanityDelay = core.getGMST('fVanityDelay')
local function updateVanity(dt)
local vanityAllowed = input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.VanityMode)
local vanityAllowed = Player.getControlSwitch(self, Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.VanityMode)
if vanityAllowed and idleTimer > vanityDelay and camera.getMode() ~= MODE.Vanity then
@ -115,8 +116,8 @@ local minDistance = 30
local maxDistance = 800
local function zoom(delta)
if not input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.ViewMode) or
not input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Controls) or
if not Player.getControlSwitch(self, Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.ViewMode) or
not Player.getControlSwitch(self, Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Controls) or
camera.getMode() == MODE.Static or next(noZoom) then
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ local util = require('openmw.util')
local I = require('openmw.interfaces')
local Actor = require('openmw.types').Actor
local Player = require('openmw.types').Player
local MODE = camera.MODE
@ -60,8 +61,8 @@ end
function M.onInputAction(action)
if not active or core.isWorldPaused() or
not input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.ViewMode) or
not input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Controls) or
not Player.getControlSwitch(self, Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.ViewMode) or
not Player.getControlSwitch(self, Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Controls) or
input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.TogglePOV) or
not I.Camera.isModeControlEnabled() then
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ local function processMovement()
elseif autoMove then
self.controls.movement = 1
self.controls.jump = attemptJump and input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Jumping)
self.controls.jump = attemptJump and Player.getControlSwitch(self, Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Jumping)
if not settings:get('toggleSneak') then
self.controls.sneak = input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.Sneak)
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ local function processAttacking()
local function onFrame(dt)
local controlsAllowed = input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Controls)
local controlsAllowed = Player.getControlSwitch(self, Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Controls)
and not core.isWorldPaused() and not I.UI.getMode()
if not movementControlsOverridden then
if controlsAllowed then
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ local function isJournalAllowed()
local function onInputAction(action)
if not input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Controls) then
if not Player.getControlSwitch(self, Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Controls) then
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ local function onInputAction(action)
elseif action == input.ACTION.ToggleSpell and not combatControlsOverridden then
if Actor.stance(self) == Actor.STANCE.Spell then
Actor.setStance(self, Actor.STANCE.Nothing)
elseif input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Magic) then
elseif Player.getControlSwitch(self, Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Magic) then
if checkNotWerewolf() then
Actor.setStance(self, Actor.STANCE.Spell)
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ local function onInputAction(action)
elseif action == input.ACTION.ToggleWeapon and not combatControlsOverridden then
if Actor.stance(self) == Actor.STANCE.Weapon then
Actor.setStance(self, Actor.STANCE.Nothing)
elseif input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Fighting) then
elseif Player.getControlSwitch(self, Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Fighting) then
Actor.setStance(self, Actor.STANCE.Weapon)
@ -214,13 +214,13 @@ return {
version = 1,
--- When set to true then the movement controls including jump and sneak are not processed and can be handled by another script.
-- If movement should be disallowed completely, consider to use `input.setControlSwitch` instead.
-- If movement should be disallowed completely, consider to use `types.Player.setControlSwitch` instead.
-- @function [parent=#Controls] overrideMovementControls
-- @param #boolean value
overrideMovementControls = function(v) movementControlsOverridden = v end,
--- When set to true then the controls "attack", "toggle spell", "toggle weapon" are not processed and can be handled by another script.
-- If combat should be disallowed completely, consider to use `input.setControlSwitch` instead.
-- If combat should be disallowed completely, consider to use `types.Player.setControlSwitch` instead.
-- @function [parent=#Controls] overrideCombatControls
-- @param #boolean value
overrideCombatControls = function(v) combatControlsOverridden = v end,
@ -72,23 +72,23 @@
-- @return #number Value in range [-1, 1].
-- Get state of a control switch. I.e. is player able to move/fight/jump/etc.
-- Returns a human readable name for the given key code
-- @function [parent=#input] getKeyName
-- @param #KeyCode code A key code (see @{openmw.input#KEY})
-- @return #string
-- [Deprecated, moved to types.Player] Get state of a control switch. I.e. is player able to move/fight/jump/etc.
-- @function [parent=#input] getControlSwitch
-- @param #ControlSwitch key Control type (see @{openmw.input#CONTROL_SWITCH})
-- @return #boolean
-- Set state of a control switch. I.e. forbid or allow player to move/fight/jump/etc.
-- [Deprecated, moved to types.Player] Set state of a control switch. I.e. forbid or allow player to move/fight/jump/etc.
-- @function [parent=#input] setControlSwitch
-- @param #ControlSwitch key Control type (see @{openmw.input#CONTROL_SWITCH})
-- @param #boolean value
-- Returns a human readable name for the given key code
-- @function [parent=#input] getKeyName
-- @param #KeyCode code A key code (see @{openmw.input#KEY})
-- @return #string
-- String id of a @{#CONTROL_SWITCH}
-- @type ControlSwitch
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
-- @field [parent=#CONTROL_SWITCH] #ControlSwitch VanityMode Vanity view if player doesn't touch controls for a long time
-- Values that can be used with getControlSwitch/setControlSwitch.
-- [Deprecated, moved to types.Player] Values that can be used with getControlSwitch/setControlSwitch.
-- @field [parent=#input] #CONTROL_SWITCH CONTROL_SWITCH
@ -951,6 +951,39 @@
-- @param #number stage Quest stage
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor (optional) The actor who is the source of the journal entry, it may be used in journal entries with variables such as `%name(The speaker's name)` or `%race(The speaker's race)`.
-- Get state of a control switch. I.e. is the player able to move/fight/jump/etc.
-- @function [parent=#Player] getControlSwitch
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject player
-- @param #ControlSwitch key Control type (see @{openmw.types#CONTROL_SWITCH})
-- @return #boolean
-- Set state of a control switch. I.e. forbid or allow the player to move/fight/jump/etc.
-- Can be used only in global or player scripts.
-- @function [parent=#Player] setControlSwitch
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject player
-- @param #ControlSwitch key Control type (see @{openmw.types#CONTROL_SWITCH})
-- @param #boolean value
-- String id of a @{#CONTROL_SWITCH}
-- @type ControlSwitch
-- @field [parent=#CONTROL_SWITCH] #ControlSwitch Controls Ability to move
-- @field [parent=#CONTROL_SWITCH] #ControlSwitch Fighting Ability to attack
-- @field [parent=#CONTROL_SWITCH] #ControlSwitch Jumping Ability to jump
-- @field [parent=#CONTROL_SWITCH] #ControlSwitch Looking Ability to change view direction
-- @field [parent=#CONTROL_SWITCH] #ControlSwitch Magic Ability to use magic
-- @field [parent=#CONTROL_SWITCH] #ControlSwitch ViewMode Ability to toggle 1st/3rd person view
-- @field [parent=#CONTROL_SWITCH] #ControlSwitch VanityMode Vanity view if player doesn't touch controls for a long time
-- Values that can be used with getControlSwitch/setControlSwitch.
-- @field [parent=#Player] #CONTROL_SWITCH CONTROL_SWITCH
-- @{#Armor} functions
@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ local input = require('openmw.input')
local types = require('openmw.types')
local nearby = require('openmw.nearby')
input.setControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Fighting, false)
input.setControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Jumping, false)
input.setControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Looking, false)
input.setControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Magic, false)
input.setControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.VanityMode, false)
input.setControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.ViewMode, false)
types.Player.setControlSwitch(self, types.Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Fighting, false)
types.Player.setControlSwitch(self, types.Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Jumping, false)
types.Player.setControlSwitch(self, types.Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Looking, false)
types.Player.setControlSwitch(self, types.Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Magic, false)
types.Player.setControlSwitch(self, types.Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.VanityMode, false)
types.Player.setControlSwitch(self, types.Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.ViewMode, false)
@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ local util = require('openmw.util')
local types = require('openmw.types')
local nearby = require('openmw.nearby')
input.setControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Fighting, false)
input.setControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Jumping, false)
input.setControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Looking, false)
input.setControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Magic, false)
input.setControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.VanityMode, false)
input.setControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.ViewMode, false)
types.Player.setControlSwitch(self, types.Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Fighting, false)
types.Player.setControlSwitch(self, types.Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Jumping, false)
types.Player.setControlSwitch(self, types.Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Looking, false)
types.Player.setControlSwitch(self, types.Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.Magic, false)
types.Player.setControlSwitch(self, types.Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.VanityMode, false)
types.Player.setControlSwitch(self, types.Player.CONTROL_SWITCH.ViewMode, false)
testing.registerLocalTest('Player should be able to walk up stairs in Ebonheart docks (#4247)',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user