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synced 2025-03-14 04:18:43 +00:00
637 lines
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637 lines
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#ifndef __RECOMP_PORT__
#define __RECOMP_PORT__
#include <span>
#include <string_view>
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <filesystem>
#include <optional>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
inline uint32_t byteswap(uint32_t val) {
return _byteswap_ulong(val);
constexpr uint32_t byteswap(uint32_t val) {
return __builtin_bswap32(val);
namespace N64Recomp {
struct Function {
uint32_t vram;
uint32_t rom;
std::vector<uint32_t> words;
std::string name;
uint16_t section_index;
bool ignored;
bool reimplemented;
bool stubbed;
std::unordered_map<int32_t, std::string> function_hooks;
Function(uint32_t vram, uint32_t rom, std::vector<uint32_t> words, std::string name, uint16_t section_index, bool ignored = false, bool reimplemented = false, bool stubbed = false)
: vram(vram), rom(rom), words(std::move(words)), name(std::move(name)), section_index(section_index), ignored(ignored), reimplemented(reimplemented), stubbed(stubbed) {}
Function() = default;
struct JumpTable {
uint32_t vram;
uint32_t addend_reg;
uint32_t rom;
uint32_t lw_vram;
uint32_t addu_vram;
uint32_t jr_vram;
uint16_t section_index;
std::optional<uint32_t> got_offset;
std::vector<uint32_t> entries;
JumpTable(uint32_t vram, uint32_t addend_reg, uint32_t rom, uint32_t lw_vram, uint32_t addu_vram, uint32_t jr_vram, uint16_t section_index, std::optional<uint32_t> got_offset, std::vector<uint32_t>&& entries)
: vram(vram), addend_reg(addend_reg), rom(rom), lw_vram(lw_vram), addu_vram(addu_vram), jr_vram(jr_vram), section_index(section_index), got_offset(got_offset), entries(std::move(entries)) {}
enum class RelocType : uint8_t {
struct Reloc {
uint32_t address;
uint32_t target_section_offset;
uint32_t symbol_index; // Only used for reference symbols and special section symbols
uint16_t target_section;
RelocType type;
bool reference_symbol;
// Special section indices.
constexpr uint16_t SectionAbsolute = (uint16_t)-2;
constexpr uint16_t SectionImport = (uint16_t)-3; // Imported symbols for mods
constexpr uint16_t SectionEvent = (uint16_t)-4;
// Special section names.
constexpr std::string_view PatchSectionName = ".recomp_patch";
constexpr std::string_view ForcedPatchSectionName = ".recomp_force_patch";
constexpr std::string_view ExportSectionName = ".recomp_export";
constexpr std::string_view EventSectionName = ".recomp_event";
constexpr std::string_view ImportSectionPrefix = ".recomp_import.";
constexpr std::string_view CallbackSectionPrefix = ".recomp_callback.";
constexpr std::string_view HookSectionPrefix = ".recomp_hook.";
constexpr std::string_view HookReturnSectionPrefix = ".recomp_hook_return.";
// Special dependency names.
constexpr std::string_view DependencySelf = ".";
constexpr std::string_view DependencyBaseRecomp = "*";
struct Section {
uint32_t rom_addr = 0;
uint32_t ram_addr = 0;
uint32_t size = 0;
uint32_t bss_size = 0; // not populated when using a symbol toml
std::vector<uint32_t> function_addrs; // only used by the CLI (to find the size of static functions)
std::vector<Reloc> relocs;
std::string name;
uint16_t bss_section_index = (uint16_t)-1;
bool executable = false;
bool relocatable = false; // TODO is this needed? relocs being non-empty should be an equivalent check.
bool has_mips32_relocs = false;
std::optional<uint32_t> got_ram_addr = std::nullopt;
struct ReferenceSection {
uint32_t rom_addr;
uint32_t ram_addr;
uint32_t size;
bool relocatable;
struct ReferenceSymbol {
std::string name;
uint16_t section_index;
uint32_t section_offset;
bool is_function;
struct ElfParsingConfig {
std::string bss_section_suffix;
// Functions with manual size overrides
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> manually_sized_funcs;
// The section names that were specified as relocatable
std::unordered_set<std::string> relocatable_sections;
bool has_entrypoint;
int32_t entrypoint_address;
bool use_absolute_symbols;
bool unpaired_lo16_warnings;
bool all_sections_relocatable;
struct DataSymbol {
uint32_t vram;
std::string name;
DataSymbol(uint32_t vram, std::string&& name) : vram(vram), name(std::move(name)) {}
using DataSymbolMap = std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::vector<DataSymbol>>;
extern const std::unordered_set<std::string> reimplemented_funcs;
extern const std::unordered_set<std::string> ignored_funcs;
extern const std::unordered_set<std::string> renamed_funcs;
struct ImportSymbol {
ReferenceSymbol base;
size_t dependency_index;
struct DependencyEvent {
size_t dependency_index;
std::string event_name;
struct EventSymbol {
ReferenceSymbol base;
struct Callback {
size_t function_index;
size_t dependency_event_index;
struct SymbolReference {
// Reference symbol section index, or one of the special section indices such as SectionImport.
uint16_t section_index;
size_t symbol_index;
enum class ReplacementFlags : uint32_t {
Force = 1 << 0,
inline ReplacementFlags operator&(ReplacementFlags lhs, ReplacementFlags rhs) { return ReplacementFlags(uint32_t(lhs) & uint32_t(rhs)); }
inline ReplacementFlags operator|(ReplacementFlags lhs, ReplacementFlags rhs) { return ReplacementFlags(uint32_t(lhs) | uint32_t(rhs)); }
struct FunctionReplacement {
uint32_t func_index;
uint32_t original_section_vrom;
uint32_t original_vram;
ReplacementFlags flags;
enum class HookFlags : uint32_t {
AtReturn = 1 << 0,
inline HookFlags operator&(HookFlags lhs, HookFlags rhs) { return HookFlags(uint32_t(lhs) & uint32_t(rhs)); }
inline HookFlags operator|(HookFlags lhs, HookFlags rhs) { return HookFlags(uint32_t(lhs) | uint32_t(rhs)); }
struct FunctionHook {
uint32_t func_index;
uint32_t original_section_vrom;
uint32_t original_vram;
HookFlags flags;
class Context {
//// Reference symbols (used for populating relocations for patches)
// A list of the sections that contain the reference symbols.
std::vector<ReferenceSection> reference_sections;
// A list of the reference symbols.
std::vector<ReferenceSymbol> reference_symbols;
// Mapping of symbol name to reference symbol index.
std::unordered_map<std::string, SymbolReference> reference_symbols_by_name;
// Whether all reference sections should be treated as relocatable (used in live recompilation).
bool all_reference_sections_relocatable = false;
std::vector<Section> sections;
std::vector<Function> functions;
// A list of the list of each function (by index in `functions`) in a given section
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> section_functions;
// A mapping of vram address to every function with that address.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::vector<size_t>> functions_by_vram;
// A mapping of bss section index to the corresponding non-bss section index.
std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint16_t> bss_section_to_section;
// The target ROM being recompiled, TODO move this outside of the context to avoid making a copy for mod contexts.
// Used for reading relocations and for the output binary feature.
std::vector<uint8_t> rom;
// Whether reference symbols should be validated when emitting function calls during recompilation.
bool skip_validating_reference_symbols = true;
// Whether all function calls (excluding reference symbols) should go through lookup.
bool use_lookup_for_all_function_calls = false;
//// Only used by the CLI, TODO move this to a struct in the internal headers.
// A mapping of function name to index in the functions vector
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> functions_by_name;
//// Mod dependencies and their symbols
//// Imported values
// Mapping of dependency name to dependency index.
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> dependencies_by_name;
// List of symbols imported from dependencies.
std::vector<ImportSymbol> import_symbols;
// List of events imported from dependencies.
std::vector<DependencyEvent> dependency_events;
// Mappings of dependency event name to the index in dependency_events, all indexed by dependency.
std::vector<std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t>> dependency_events_by_name;
// Mappings of dependency import name to index in import_symbols, all indexed by dependency.
std::vector<std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t>> dependency_imports_by_name;
//// Exported values
// List of function replacements, which contains the original function to replace and the function index to replace it with.
std::vector<FunctionReplacement> replacements;
// Indices of every exported function.
std::vector<size_t> exported_funcs;
// List of callbacks, which contains the function for the callback and the dependency event it attaches to.
std::vector<Callback> callbacks;
// List of symbols from events, which contains the names of events that this context provides.
std::vector<EventSymbol> event_symbols;
// List of hooks, which contains the original function to hook and the function index to call at the hook.
std::vector<FunctionHook> hooks;
// Causes functions to print their name to the console the first time they're called.
bool trace_mode;
// Imports sections and function symbols from a provided context into this context's reference sections and reference functions.
bool import_reference_context(const Context& reference_context);
// Reads a data symbol file and adds its contents into this context's reference data symbols.
bool read_data_reference_syms(const std::filesystem::path& data_syms_file_path);
static bool from_symbol_file(const std::filesystem::path& symbol_file_path, std::vector<uint8_t>&& rom, Context& out, bool with_relocs);
static bool from_elf_file(const std::filesystem::path& elf_file_path, Context& out, const ElfParsingConfig& flags, bool for_dumping_context, DataSymbolMap& data_syms_out, bool& found_entrypoint_out);
Context() = default;
bool add_dependency(const std::string& id) {
if (dependencies_by_name.contains(id)) {
return false;
size_t dependency_index = dependencies_by_name.size();
dependencies_by_name.emplace(id, dependency_index);
return true;
bool add_dependencies(const std::vector<std::string>& new_dependencies) {
dependencies_by_name.reserve(dependencies_by_name.size() + new_dependencies.size());
// Check if any of the dependencies already exist and fail if so.
for (const std::string& dep : new_dependencies) {
if (dependencies_by_name.contains(dep)) {
return false;
for (const std::string& dep : new_dependencies) {
size_t dependency_index = dependencies_by_name.size();
dependencies_by_name.emplace(dep, dependency_index);
return true;
bool find_dependency(const std::string& mod_id, size_t& dependency_index) {
auto find_it = dependencies_by_name.find(mod_id);
if (find_it != dependencies_by_name.end()) {
dependency_index = find_it->second;
else {
// Handle special dependency names.
if (mod_id == DependencySelf || mod_id == DependencyBaseRecomp) {
dependency_index = dependencies_by_name[mod_id];
else {
return false;
return true;
size_t find_function_by_vram_section(uint32_t vram, size_t section_index) const {
auto find_it = functions_by_vram.find(vram);
if (find_it == functions_by_vram.end()) {
return (size_t)-1;
for (size_t function_index : find_it->second) {
if (functions[function_index].section_index == section_index) {
return function_index;
return (size_t)-1;
bool has_reference_symbols() const {
return !reference_symbols.empty() || !import_symbols.empty() || !event_symbols.empty();
bool is_regular_reference_section(uint16_t section_index) const {
return section_index != SectionImport && section_index != SectionEvent;
bool find_reference_symbol(const std::string& symbol_name, SymbolReference& ref_out) const {
auto find_sym_it = reference_symbols_by_name.find(symbol_name);
// Check if the symbol was found.
if (find_sym_it == reference_symbols_by_name.end()) {
return false;
ref_out = find_sym_it->second;
return true;
bool reference_symbol_exists(const std::string& symbol_name) const {
SymbolReference dummy_ref;
return find_reference_symbol(symbol_name, dummy_ref);
bool find_regular_reference_symbol(const std::string& symbol_name, SymbolReference& ref_out) const {
SymbolReference ref_found;
if (!find_reference_symbol(symbol_name, ref_found)) {
return false;
// Ignore reference symbols in special sections.
if (!is_regular_reference_section(ref_found.section_index)) {
return false;
ref_out = ref_found;
return true;
const ReferenceSymbol& get_reference_symbol(uint16_t section_index, size_t symbol_index) const {
if (section_index == SectionImport) {
return import_symbols[symbol_index].base;
else if (section_index == SectionEvent) {
return event_symbols[symbol_index].base;
return reference_symbols[symbol_index];
size_t num_regular_reference_symbols() {
return reference_symbols.size();
const ReferenceSymbol& get_regular_reference_symbol(size_t index) const {
return reference_symbols[index];
const ReferenceSymbol& get_reference_symbol(const SymbolReference& ref) const {
return get_reference_symbol(ref.section_index, ref.symbol_index);
bool is_reference_section_relocatable(uint16_t section_index) const {
if (all_reference_sections_relocatable) {
return true;
if (section_index == SectionAbsolute) {
return false;
else if (section_index == SectionImport || section_index == SectionEvent) {
return true;
return reference_sections[section_index].relocatable;
bool add_reference_symbol(const std::string& symbol_name, uint16_t section_index, uint32_t vram, bool is_function) {
uint32_t section_vram;
if (section_index == SectionAbsolute) {
section_vram = 0;
else if (section_index < reference_sections.size()) {
section_vram = reference_sections[section_index].ram_addr;
// Invalid section index.
else {
return false;
// TODO Check if reference_symbols_by_name already contains the name and show a conflict error if so.
reference_symbols_by_name.emplace(symbol_name, N64Recomp::SymbolReference{
.section_index = section_index,
.symbol_index = reference_symbols.size()
.name = symbol_name,
.section_index = section_index,
.section_offset = vram - section_vram,
.is_function = is_function
return true;
void add_import_symbol(const std::string& symbol_name, size_t dependency_index) {
// TODO Check if dependency_imports_by_name[dependency_index] already contains the name and show a conflict error if so.
dependency_imports_by_name[dependency_index][symbol_name] = import_symbols.size();
N64Recomp::ImportSymbol {
.base = N64Recomp::ReferenceSymbol {
.name = symbol_name,
.section_index = N64Recomp::SectionImport,
.section_offset = 0,
.is_function = true
.dependency_index = dependency_index,
bool find_import_symbol(const std::string& symbol_name, size_t dependency_index, SymbolReference& ref_out) const {
if (dependency_index >= dependencies_by_name.size()) {
return false;
auto find_it = dependency_imports_by_name[dependency_index].find(symbol_name);
if (find_it == dependency_imports_by_name[dependency_index].end()) {
return false;
ref_out.section_index = SectionImport;
ref_out.symbol_index = find_it->second;
return true;
void add_event_symbol(const std::string& symbol_name) {
// TODO Check if reference_symbols_by_name already contains the name and show a conflict error if so.
reference_symbols_by_name[symbol_name] = N64Recomp::SymbolReference {
.section_index = N64Recomp::SectionEvent,
.symbol_index = event_symbols.size()
N64Recomp::EventSymbol {
.base = N64Recomp::ReferenceSymbol {
.name = symbol_name,
.section_index = N64Recomp::SectionEvent,
.section_offset = 0,
.is_function = true
bool find_event_symbol(const std::string& symbol_name, SymbolReference& ref_out) const {
SymbolReference ref_found;
if (!find_reference_symbol(symbol_name, ref_found)) {
return false;
// Ignore reference symbols that aren't in the event section.
if (ref_found.section_index != SectionEvent) {
return false;
ref_out = ref_found;
return true;
bool add_dependency_event(const std::string& event_name, size_t dependency_index, size_t& dependency_event_index) {
if (dependency_index >= dependencies_by_name.size()) {
return false;
// Prevent adding the same event to a dependency twice. This isn't an error, since a mod could register
// multiple callbacks to the same event.
auto find_it = dependency_events_by_name[dependency_index].find(event_name);
if (find_it != dependency_events_by_name[dependency_index].end()) {
dependency_event_index = find_it->second;
return true;
dependency_event_index = dependency_events.size();
.dependency_index = dependency_index,
.event_name = event_name
dependency_events_by_name[dependency_index][event_name] = dependency_event_index;
return true;
bool add_callback(size_t dependency_event_index, size_t function_index) {
.function_index = function_index,
.dependency_event_index = dependency_event_index
return true;
uint32_t get_reference_section_vram(uint16_t section_index) const {
if (section_index == N64Recomp::SectionAbsolute) {
return 0;
else if (!is_regular_reference_section(section_index)) {
return 0;
else {
return reference_sections[section_index].ram_addr;
uint32_t get_reference_section_rom(uint16_t section_index) const {
if (section_index == N64Recomp::SectionAbsolute) {
return (uint32_t)-1;
else if (!is_regular_reference_section(section_index)) {
return (uint32_t)-1;
else {
return reference_sections[section_index].rom_addr;
void copy_reference_sections_from(const Context& rhs) {
reference_sections = rhs.reference_sections;
void set_all_reference_sections_relocatable() {
all_reference_sections_relocatable = true;
class Generator;
bool recompile_function(const Context& context, size_t function_index, std::ostream& output_file, std::span<std::vector<uint32_t>> static_funcs, bool tag_reference_relocs);
bool recompile_function_custom(Generator& generator, const Context& context, size_t function_index, std::ostream& output_file, std::span<std::vector<uint32_t>> static_funcs_out, bool tag_reference_relocs);
enum class ModSymbolsError {
ModSymbolsError parse_mod_symbols(std::span<const char> data, std::span<const uint8_t> binary, const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint16_t>& sections_by_vrom, Context& context_out);
std::vector<uint8_t> symbols_to_bin_v1(const Context& mod_context);
inline bool is_manual_patch_symbol(uint32_t vram) {
// Zero-sized symbols between 0x8F000000 and 0x90000000 are manually specified symbols for use with patches.
// TODO make this configurable or come up with a more sensible solution for dealing with manual symbols for patches.
return vram >= 0x8F000000 && vram < 0x90000000;
// Locale-independent ASCII-only version of isalpha.
inline bool isalpha_nolocale(char c) {
return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');
// Locale-independent ASCII-only version of isalnum.
inline bool isalnum_nolocale(char c) {
return isalpha_nolocale(c) || (c >= '0' && c <= '9');
inline bool validate_mod_id(std::string_view str) {
// Disallow empty ids.
if (str.size() == 0) {
return false;
// Allow special dependency ids.
if (str == N64Recomp::DependencySelf || str == N64Recomp::DependencyBaseRecomp) {
return true;
// These following rules basically describe C identifiers. There's no specific reason to enforce them besides colon (currently),
// so this is just to prevent "weird" mod ids.
// Check the first character, which must be alphabetical or an underscore.
if (!isalpha_nolocale(str[0]) && str[0] != '_') {
return false;
// Check the remaining characters, which can be alphanumeric or underscore.
for (char c : str.substr(1)) {
if (!isalnum_nolocale(c) && c != '_') {
return false;
return true;
inline bool validate_mod_id(const std::string& str) {
return validate_mod_id(std::string_view{str});