/* * Copyright 2013-2022 MultiMC Contributors * Copyright 2022 kb1000 * * This source is subject to the Microsoft Permissive License (MS-PL). * Please see the COPYING.md file for more information. */ #include "ModrinthModel.h" #include "Application.h" #include "Json.h" #include Modrinth::ListModel::ListModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent) { } Modrinth::ListModel::~ListModel() = default; QVariant Modrinth::ListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { int pos = index.row(); if(pos >= modpacks.size() || pos < 0 || !index.isValid()) { return QString("INVALID INDEX %1").arg(pos); } auto pack = modpacks.at(pos); if(role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return pack.name; } else if(role == Qt::DecorationRole) { if(m_logoMap.contains(pack.id)) { return (m_logoMap.value(pack.id)); } QIcon icon = APPLICATION->getThemedIcon("screenshot-placeholder"); ((ListModel *)this)->requestLogo(pack.id, pack.iconUrl); return icon; } else if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole) { return pack.description; } else if(role == Qt::UserRole) { QVariant v; v.setValue(pack); return v; } return QVariant(); } bool Modrinth::ListModel::canFetchMore(const QModelIndex& parent) const { return searchState == CanPossiblyFetchMore; } void Modrinth::ListModel::fetchMore(const QModelIndex& parent) { if (parent.isValid()) return; if(nextSearchOffset == 0) { qWarning() << "fetchMore with 0 offset is wrong..."; return; } performPaginatedSearch(); } int Modrinth::ListModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return 1; } int Modrinth::ListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return modpacks.size(); } void Modrinth::ListModel::searchWithTerm(const QString& term, const QString &sort) { if(currentSearchTerm == term && currentSearchTerm.isNull() == term.isNull() && currentSort == sort) { return; } currentSearchTerm = term; currentSort = sort; if(jobPtr) { jobPtr->abort(); searchState = ResetRequested; return; } else { beginResetModel(); modpacks.clear(); endResetModel(); searchState = None; } nextSearchOffset = 0; performPaginatedSearch(); } void Modrinth::ListModel::performPaginatedSearch() { auto *netJob = new NetJob("Modrinth::Search", APPLICATION->network()); QString searchUrl = ""; if (currentSearchTerm.isEmpty()) { searchUrl = QString("https://api.modrinth.com/v2/search?facets=[[%22project_type:modpack%22]]&index=%1&limit=25&offset=%2").arg(currentSort).arg(nextSearchOffset); } else { searchUrl = QString( "https://api.modrinth.com/v2/search?facets=[[%22project_type:modpack%22]]&index=%1&limit=25&offset=%2&query=%3" ).arg(currentSort).arg(nextSearchOffset).arg(currentSearchTerm); } netJob->addNetAction(Net::Download::makeByteArray(QUrl(searchUrl), &response)); jobPtr = netJob; jobPtr->start(); QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::succeeded, this, &ListModel::searchRequestFinished); QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::failed, this, &ListModel::searchRequestFailed); } void Modrinth::ListModel::searchRequestFinished() { jobPtr.reset(); QJsonParseError parse_error; QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &parse_error); if(parse_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { qWarning() << "Error while parsing JSON response from Modrinth at " << parse_error.offset << " reason: " << parse_error.errorString(); qWarning() << response; return; } QVector newList; QJsonArray hits; int total_hits; try { auto obj = Json::requireObject(doc); hits = Json::requireArray(obj, "hits"); total_hits = Json::requireInteger(obj, "total_hits"); } catch(const JSONValidationError &e) { qWarning() << "Error while parsing response from Modrinth: " << e.cause(); } for (auto packRaw : hits) { auto packObj = packRaw.toObject(); Modrinth::Modpack pack; try { if (Json::ensureString(packObj, "client_side", "required") == QStringLiteral("unsupported")) continue; pack.id = Json::requireString(packObj, "project_id"); pack.name = Json::requireString(packObj, "title"); pack.iconUrl = Json::requireUrl(packObj, "icon_url"); pack.author = Json::requireString(packObj, "author"); pack.description = Json::requireString(packObj, "description"); newList.append(pack); } catch(const JSONValidationError &e) { qWarning() << "Error while loading pack from Modrinth: " << e.cause(); continue; } } if ((total_hits - nextSearchOffset) <= 25) searchState = Finished; else { nextSearchOffset += 25; searchState = CanPossiblyFetchMore; } beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), modpacks.size(), modpacks.size() + newList.size() - 1); // TODO: when we update from Qt 5.4, just use append(QVector) for(auto item: newList) { modpacks.append(item); } endInsertRows(); } void Modrinth::ListModel::searchRequestFailed() { jobPtr.reset(); if(searchState == ResetRequested) { beginResetModel(); modpacks.clear(); endResetModel(); nextSearchOffset = 0; performPaginatedSearch(); } else { searchState = Finished; } } void Modrinth::ListModel::logoLoaded(const QString &logo, const QIcon &out) { m_loadingLogos.removeAll(logo); m_logoMap.insert(logo, out); for(int i = 0; i < modpacks.size(); i++) { if(modpacks[i].id == logo) { emit dataChanged(createIndex(i, 0), createIndex(i, 0), {Qt::DecorationRole}); } } } void Modrinth::ListModel::logoFailed(const QString &logo) { m_failedLogos.append(logo); m_loadingLogos.removeAll(logo); } void Modrinth::ListModel::requestLogo(const QString &logo, const QUrl &url) { if(m_loadingLogos.contains(logo) || m_failedLogos.contains(logo)) { return; } MetaEntryPtr entry = APPLICATION->metacache()->resolveEntry("ModrinthPacks", QString("logos/%1").arg(logo.section(".", 0, 0))); auto *job = new NetJob(QString("Modrinth Icon Download %1").arg(logo), APPLICATION->network()); job->addNetAction(Net::Download::makeCached(url, entry)); auto fullPath = entry->getFullPath(); QObject::connect(job, &NetJob::succeeded, this, [this, logo, fullPath] { QIcon icon(fullPath); QSize size = icon.actualSize(QSize(48, 48)); if (size.width() < 48 && size.height() < 48) { icon = icon.pixmap(48, 48).scaled(48,48, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } logoLoaded(logo, icon); if(waitingCallbacks.contains(logo)) { waitingCallbacks.value(logo)(fullPath); } }); QObject::connect(job, &NetJob::failed, this, [this, logo] { logoFailed(logo); }); job->start(); m_loadingLogos.append(logo); } void Modrinth::ListModel::getPackDetails(const QString& id) { auto index = getIndexFromId(id); if(!index) { return; } if(isPackDetailInProgress()) { queuedPackDetailRequest = id; cancelPackDetail(); return; } currentPackDetailRequest = id; QString detailsUrl = "https://api.modrinth.com/v2/project/" + id; auto & modpack = modpacks[*index]; if(modpack.detailsLoaded != LoadState::Loaded) { auto *netJob = new NetJob("Modrinth::PackDetails", APPLICATION->network()); netJob->addNetAction(Net::Download::makeByteArray(QUrl(detailsUrl), &detailsResponse)); detailsPtr = netJob; detailsPtr->start(); QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::succeeded, this, &ListModel::detailsRequestFinished); QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::failed, this, &ListModel::detailsRequestFailed); } QString versionsUrl = detailsUrl + "/version"; if(modpack.versionsLoaded != LoadState::Loaded) { auto *netJob = new NetJob("Modrinth::PackVersions", APPLICATION->network()); netJob->addNetAction(Net::Download::makeByteArray(QUrl(versionsUrl), &versionsResponse)); versionsPtr = netJob; versionsPtr->start(); QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::succeeded, this, &ListModel::versionsRequestFinished); QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::failed, this, &ListModel::versionsRequestFailed); } } bool Modrinth::ListModel::isPackDetailInProgress() { return detailsPtr || versionsPtr; } void Modrinth::ListModel::cancelPackDetail() { if(detailsPtr) { detailsPtr->abort(); } if(versionsPtr) { versionsPtr->abort(); } } nonstd::optional Modrinth::ListModel::getIndexFromId(const QString& id) { for(int i = 0; i < modpacks.size(); i++) { if(modpacks[i].id == id) { return i; } } return nonstd::nullopt; } nonstd::optional Modrinth::ListModel::getModpackById(const QString& id) { auto index = getIndexFromId(id); if(!index) { return nonstd::nullopt; } return modpacks[*index]; } namespace { bool parseDetailsInto(QByteArray & input, Modrinth::Modpack& output) { QJsonParseError parse_error; QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(input, &parse_error); if(parse_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { qWarning() << "Error while parsing pack details response from Modrinth at " << parse_error.offset << " reason: " << parse_error.errorString(); qWarning() << input; return false; } try { auto obj = Json::requireObject(doc); QString body = Json::requireString(obj, "body"); output.body = body; return true; } catch(const JSONValidationError &e) { qWarning() << "Error while parsing response from Modrinth: " << e.cause(); return false; } } } void Modrinth::ListModel::detailsRequestFinished() { auto index = getIndexFromId(currentPackDetailRequest); if(index) { auto & modpack = modpacks[*index]; if(parseDetailsInto(detailsResponse, modpack)) { modpack.detailsLoaded = LoadState::Loaded; } else { modpack.detailsLoaded = LoadState::Errored; } emit packDataChanged(currentPackDetailRequest); } detailsPtr.reset(); checkDetailsDone(); } void Modrinth::ListModel::detailsRequestFailed() { auto index = getIndexFromId(currentPackDetailRequest); if(index) { auto & modpack = modpacks[*index]; if(modpack.detailsLoaded == LoadState::NotLoaded) { modpack.detailsLoaded = LoadState::Errored; emit packDataChanged(currentPackDetailRequest); } } detailsPtr.reset(); checkDetailsDone(); } /* { "id": "8mMRnfwS", "project_id": "WCJmvhgU", "author_id": "akScBBW1", "featured": true, "name": "Third Release", "version_number": "2022.1.12", "changelog": "This is the third release!", "changelog_url": null, "date_published": "2022-01-12T20:41:27+00:00", "downloads": 22, "version_type": "release", "files": [ { "hashes": { "sha1": "0fe87efacfd25c4c5e011cd1433e9be494b23b1c", "sha512": "d43e148d35d0267b49ed14a7bb4bb5879aa3ebbf5805c2fe125f0f0f19fd84994242bdcd568399c9ff80ecfbe0e975ab632d8c71773bc09d54cfc857f9a6f716" }, "url": "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/WCJmvhgU/versions/2022.1.12/waffles_Modpack-2022.1.12no-hydrogen.mrpack", "filename": "waffles_Modpack-2022.1.12no-hydrogen.mrpack", "primary": false, "size": 0 } ], "dependencies": [], "game_versions": [ "1.18.1" ], "loaders": [ "fabric" ] } */ bool parseFile(QJsonObject & fileObj, Modrinth::Download & out) { out.primary = Json::requireBoolean(fileObj, "primary"); out.size = Json::requireInteger(fileObj, "size"); out.url = Json::requireString(fileObj, "url"); out.filename = Json::requireString(fileObj, "filename"); auto hashesObj = fileObj["hashes"].toObject(); out.sha1 = Json::requireString(hashesObj, "sha1"); if(!out.filename.endsWith(".mrpack")) { out.valid = false; return false; } else { out.valid = true; return true; } } namespace { bool parseVersionsInto(QByteArray & input, Modrinth::Modpack& output) { QJsonParseError parse_error; QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(input, &parse_error); if(parse_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { qWarning() << "Error while parsing pack versions response from Modrinth at " << parse_error.offset << " reason: " << parse_error.errorString(); qWarning() << input; return false; } qDebug() << input; try { QVector newList; QJsonArray versions = Json::requireArray(doc); for (auto obj : versions) { auto packObj = obj.toObject(); Modrinth::Version version; try { if (Json::ensureString(packObj, "client_side", "required") == QStringLiteral("unsupported")) continue; version.name = Json::requireString(packObj, "version_number"); version.released = Json::requireDateTime(packObj, "date_published"); version.featured = Json::requireBoolean(packObj, "featured"); auto versionTypeString = Json::requireString(packObj, "version_type"); if(versionTypeString == "alpha") { version.type = Modrinth::VersionType::Alpha; } else if(versionTypeString == "beta") { version.type = Modrinth::VersionType::Beta; } else if (versionTypeString == "release") { version.type = Modrinth::VersionType::Release; } else { qWarning() << "Unknown version type of Modrinth modpack: " << versionTypeString; version.type = Modrinth::VersionType::Unknown; } Modrinth::Download fallbackOut = {}; auto filesArray = Json::requireArray(packObj, "files"); for(int i = 0; i < filesArray.size(); i++) { Modrinth::Download maybeFileOut = {}; QJsonObject fileObj = filesArray[i].toObject(); parseFile(fileObj, maybeFileOut); if(i == 0) { fallbackOut = maybeFileOut; } if(maybeFileOut.valid && maybeFileOut.primary) { version.download = maybeFileOut; break; } } if(!version.download.valid) { version.download = fallbackOut; } if(version.download.valid) { newList.append(version); } } catch(const JSONValidationError &e) { qWarning() << "Error while loading pack from Modrinth: " << e.cause(); continue; } } output.versions = newList; return true; } catch(const JSONValidationError &e) { qWarning() << "Error while parsing response from Modrinth: " << e.cause(); return false; } } } void Modrinth::ListModel::versionsRequestFinished() { auto index = getIndexFromId(currentPackDetailRequest); if(index) { auto & modpack = modpacks[*index]; parseVersionsInto(versionsResponse, modpack); modpack.versionsLoaded = LoadState::Loaded; emit packDataChanged(currentPackDetailRequest); } versionsPtr.reset(); checkDetailsDone(); } void Modrinth::ListModel::versionsRequestFailed() { auto index = getIndexFromId(currentPackDetailRequest); if(index) { auto & modpack = modpacks[*index]; if(modpack.versionsLoaded == LoadState::NotLoaded) { modpack.versionsLoaded = LoadState::Errored; emit packDataChanged(currentPackDetailRequest); } } versionsPtr.reset(); checkDetailsDone(); } void Modrinth::ListModel::checkDetailsDone() { if(isPackDetailInProgress()) { return; } // all detail requests are finished currentPackDetailRequest.clear(); // is there a new one queued? if(!queuedPackDetailRequest.isNull()) { getPackDetails(queuedPackDetailRequest); queuedPackDetailRequest.clear(); } }