InstanceSettingsPage 0 0 691 581 0 0 0 0 Open Global Settings The settings here are overrides for global settings. QTabWidget::Rounded 0 Java true Java insta&llation true false Auto-detect... Browse... Test true Memor&y true false Minimum memory allocation: The maximum amount of memory Minecraft is allowed to use. MiB 128 65536 128 1024 The amount of memory Minecraft is started with. MiB 128 65536 128 256 The amount of memory available to store loaded Java classes. MiB 64 999999999 8 64 PermGen: Maximum memory allocation: Note: Permgen is set automatically by Java 8 and later true Java argumen&ts true false Game windows true Game Window true false Start Minecraft maximized? Window height: Window width: 1 65536 1 854 1 65536 480 true Conso&le Settings true false Show console while the game is running? Automatically close console when the game quits? Show console when the game crashes? Qt::Vertical 88 125 Custom commands Workarounds true Native libraries true false Use system installation of GLFW Use system installation of OpenAL Qt::Vertical 20 40 Miscellaneous true Override global game time settings true false Show time spent playing this instance Record time spent playing this instance Set a world to join on launch true false Server address: Singleplayer world: Qt::Vertical 20 40 CustomCommands QWidget
openGlobalJavaSettingsButton settingsTabs javaSettingsGroupBox javaPathTextBox javaDetectBtn javaBrowseBtn javaTestBtn memoryGroupBox minMemSpinBox maxMemSpinBox permGenSpinBox javaArgumentsGroupBox jvmArgsTextBox windowSizeGroupBox maximizedCheckBox windowWidthSpinBox windowHeightSpinBox consoleSettingsBox showConsoleCheck autoCloseConsoleCheck showConsoleErrorCheck nativeWorkaroundsGroupBox useNativeGLFWCheck useNativeOpenALCheck showGameTime recordGameTime