/* Copyright 2015-2018 MultiMC Contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include "World.h" #include "GZip.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QString gameTypeToString(GameType type) { switch (type) { case GameType::Survival: return QCoreApplication::translate("GameType", "Survival"); case GameType::Creative: return QCoreApplication::translate("GameType", "Creative"); case GameType::Adventure: return QCoreApplication::translate("GameType", "Adventure"); case GameType::Spectator: return QCoreApplication::translate("GameType", "Spectator"); default: break; } return QObject::tr("Unknown"); } std::unique_ptr parseLevelDat(QByteArray data) { QByteArray output; if(!GZip::unzip(data, output)) { return nullptr; } std::istringstream foo(std::string(output.constData(), output.size())); auto pair = nbt::io::read_compound(foo); if(pair.first != "") return nullptr; if(pair.second == nullptr) return nullptr; return std::move(pair.second); } QByteArray serializeLevelDat(nbt::tag_compound * levelInfo) { std::ostringstream s; nbt::io::write_tag("", *levelInfo, s); QByteArray val( s.str().data(), (int) s.str().size() ); return val; } QString getLevelDatFromFS(const QFileInfo &file) { QDir worldDir(file.filePath()); if(!file.isDir() || !worldDir.exists("level.dat")) { return QString(); } return worldDir.absoluteFilePath("level.dat"); } QByteArray getLevelDatDataFromFS(const QFileInfo &file) { auto fullFilePath = getLevelDatFromFS(file); if(fullFilePath.isNull()) { return QByteArray(); } QFile f(fullFilePath); if(!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { return QByteArray(); } return f.readAll(); } bool putLevelDatDataToFS(const QFileInfo &file, QByteArray & data) { auto fullFilePath = getLevelDatFromFS(file); if(fullFilePath.isNull()) { return false; } QSaveFile f(fullFilePath); if(!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { return false; } QByteArray compressed; if(!GZip::zip(data, compressed)) { return false; } if(f.write(compressed) != compressed.size()) { f.cancelWriting(); return false; } return f.commit(); } World::World(const QFileInfo &file) { repath(file); } void World::repath(const QFileInfo &file) { m_containerFile = file; m_folderName = file.fileName(); if(file.isFile() && file.suffix() == "zip") { readFromZip(file); } else if(file.isDir()) { readFromFS(file); } } void World::readFromFS(const QFileInfo &file) { auto bytes = getLevelDatDataFromFS(file); if(bytes.isEmpty()) { is_valid = false; return; } loadFromLevelDat(bytes); levelDatTime = file.lastModified(); } void World::readFromZip(const QFileInfo &file) { QuaZip zip(file.absoluteFilePath()); is_valid = zip.open(QuaZip::mdUnzip); if (!is_valid) { return; } auto location = MMCZip::findFolderOfFileInZip(&zip, "level.dat"); is_valid = !location.isEmpty(); if (!is_valid) { return; } m_containerOffsetPath = location; QuaZipFile zippedFile(&zip); // read the install profile is_valid = zip.setCurrentFile(location + "level.dat"); if (!is_valid) { return; } is_valid = zippedFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QuaZipFileInfo64 levelDatInfo; zippedFile.getFileInfo(&levelDatInfo); auto modTime = levelDatInfo.getNTFSmTime(); if(!modTime.isValid()) { modTime = levelDatInfo.dateTime; } levelDatTime = modTime; if (!is_valid) { return; } loadFromLevelDat(zippedFile.readAll()); zippedFile.close(); } bool World::install(const QString &to, const QString &name) { auto finalPath = FS::PathCombine(to, FS::DirNameFromString(m_actualName, to)); if(!FS::ensureFolderPathExists(finalPath)) { return false; } bool ok = false; if(m_containerFile.isFile()) { QuaZip zip(m_containerFile.absoluteFilePath()); if (!zip.open(QuaZip::mdUnzip)) { return false; } ok = !MMCZip::extractSubDir(&zip, m_containerOffsetPath, finalPath).isEmpty(); } else if(m_containerFile.isDir()) { QString from = m_containerFile.filePath(); ok = FS::copy(from, finalPath)(); } if(ok && !name.isEmpty() && m_actualName != name) { World newWorld(finalPath); if(newWorld.isValid()) { newWorld.rename(name); } } return ok; } bool World::rename(const QString &newName) { if(m_containerFile.isFile()) { return false; } auto data = getLevelDatDataFromFS(m_containerFile); if(data.isEmpty()) { return false; } auto worldData = parseLevelDat(data); if(!worldData) { return false; } auto &val = worldData->at("Data"); if(val.get_type() != nbt::tag_type::Compound) { return false; } auto &dataCompound = val.as(); dataCompound.put("LevelName", nbt::value_initializer(newName.toUtf8().data())); data = serializeLevelDat(worldData.get()); putLevelDatDataToFS(m_containerFile, data); m_actualName = newName; QDir parentDir(m_containerFile.absoluteFilePath()); parentDir.cdUp(); QFile container(m_containerFile.absoluteFilePath()); auto dirName = FS::DirNameFromString(m_actualName, parentDir.absolutePath()); container.rename(parentDir.absoluteFilePath(dirName)); return true; } static QString read_string (nbt::value& parent, const char * name, const QString & fallback = QString()) { try { auto &namedValue = parent.at(name); if(namedValue.get_type() != nbt::tag_type::String) { return fallback; } auto & tag_str = namedValue.as(); return QString::fromStdString(tag_str.get()); } catch (const std::out_of_range &e) { // fallback for old world formats qWarning() << "String NBT tag" << name << "could not be found. Defaulting to" << fallback; return fallback; } catch (const std::bad_cast &e) { // type mismatch qWarning() << "NBT tag" << name << "could not be converted to string. Defaulting to" << fallback; return fallback; } } static int64_t read_long (nbt::value& parent, const char * name, const int64_t & fallback = 0) { try { auto &namedValue = parent.at(name); if(namedValue.get_type() != nbt::tag_type::Long) { return fallback; } auto & tag_str = namedValue.as(); return tag_str.get(); } catch (const std::out_of_range &e) { // fallback for old world formats qWarning() << "Long NBT tag" << name << "could not be found. Defaulting to" << fallback; return fallback; } catch (const std::bad_cast &e) { // type mismatch qWarning() << "NBT tag" << name << "could not be converted to long. Defaulting to" << fallback; return fallback; } } static int read_int (nbt::value& parent, const char * name, const int & fallback = 0) { try { auto &namedValue = parent.at(name); if(namedValue.get_type() != nbt::tag_type::Int) { return fallback; } auto & tag_str = namedValue.as(); return tag_str.get(); } catch (const std::out_of_range &e) { // fallback for old world formats qWarning() << "Int NBT tag" << name << "could not be found. Defaulting to" << fallback; return fallback; } catch (const std::bad_cast &e) { // type mismatch qWarning() << "NBT tag" << name << "could not be converted to int. Defaulting to" << fallback; return fallback; } } void World::loadFromLevelDat(QByteArray data) { try { auto levelData = parseLevelDat(data); if(!levelData) { is_valid = false; return; } auto &val = levelData->at("Data"); is_valid = val.get_type() == nbt::tag_type::Compound; if(!is_valid) return; m_actualName = read_string(val, "LevelName", m_folderName); int64_t temp = read_long(val, "LastPlayed", 0); if(temp == 0) { m_lastPlayed = levelDatTime; } else { m_lastPlayed = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(temp); } int GameType_val = read_int(val, "GameType", 0); m_gameType = (GameType) GameType_val; m_randomSeed = read_long(val, "RandomSeed", 0); qDebug() << "World Name:" << m_actualName; qDebug() << "Last Played:" << m_lastPlayed.toString(); qDebug() << "Seed:" << m_randomSeed; qDebug() << "GameMode:" << GameType_val; } catch (const nbt::io::input_error &e) { qWarning() << "Unable to load" << m_folderName << ":" << e.what(); is_valid = false; return; } } bool World::replace(World &with) { if (!destroy()) return false; bool success = FS::copy(with.m_containerFile.filePath(), m_containerFile.path())(); if (success) { m_folderName = with.m_folderName; m_containerFile.refresh(); } return success; } bool World::destroy() { if(!is_valid) return false; if (m_containerFile.isDir()) { QDir d(m_containerFile.filePath()); return d.removeRecursively(); } else if(m_containerFile.isFile()) { QFile file(m_containerFile.absoluteFilePath()); return file.remove(); } return true; } bool World::operator==(const World &other) const { return is_valid == other.is_valid && folderName() == other.folderName(); } bool World::strongCompare(const World &other) const { return is_valid == other.is_valid && folderName() == other.folderName(); }