#include "XboxAuthorizationStep.h" #include #include #include "minecraft/auth/AuthRequest.h" #include "minecraft/auth/Parsers.h" XboxAuthorizationStep::XboxAuthorizationStep(AccountData* data, Katabasis::Token *token, QString relyingParty, QString authorizationKind): AuthStep(data), m_token(token), m_relyingParty(relyingParty), m_authorizationKind(authorizationKind) { } XboxAuthorizationStep::~XboxAuthorizationStep() noexcept = default; QString XboxAuthorizationStep::describe() { return tr("Getting authorization to access %1 services.").arg(m_authorizationKind); } void XboxAuthorizationStep::rehydrate() { // FIXME: check if the tokens are good? } void XboxAuthorizationStep::perform() { QString xbox_auth_template = R"XXX( { "Properties": { "SandboxId": "RETAIL", "UserTokens": [ "%1" ] }, "RelyingParty": "%2", "TokenType": "JWT" } )XXX"; auto xbox_auth_data = xbox_auth_template.arg(m_data->userToken.token, m_relyingParty); // http://xboxlive.com QNetworkRequest request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl("https://xsts.auth.xboxlive.com/xsts/authorize")); request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/json"); request.setRawHeader("Accept", "application/json"); AuthRequest *requestor = new AuthRequest(this); connect(requestor, &AuthRequest::finished, this, &XboxAuthorizationStep::onRequestDone); requestor->post(request, xbox_auth_data.toUtf8()); qDebug() << "Getting authorization token for " << m_relyingParty; } void XboxAuthorizationStep::onRequestDone( QNetworkReply::NetworkError error, QByteArray data, QList headers ) { auto requestor = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); requestor->deleteLater(); #ifndef NDEBUG qDebug() << data; #endif if (error != QNetworkReply::NoError) { qWarning() << "Reply error:" << error; if(!processSTSError(error, data, headers)) { emit finished( AccountTaskState::STATE_FAILED_SOFT, tr("Failed to get authorization for %1 services. Error %2.").arg(m_authorizationKind, error) ); } return; } Katabasis::Token temp; if(!Parsers::parseXTokenResponse(data, temp, m_authorizationKind)) { emit finished( AccountTaskState::STATE_FAILED_SOFT, tr("Could not parse authorization response for access to %1 services.").arg(m_authorizationKind) ); return; } if(temp.extra["uhs"] != m_data->userToken.extra["uhs"]) { emit finished( AccountTaskState::STATE_FAILED_SOFT, tr("Server has changed %1 authorization user hash in the reply. Something is wrong.").arg(m_authorizationKind) ); return; } auto & token = *m_token; token = temp; emit finished(AccountTaskState::STATE_WORKING, tr("Got authorization to access %1").arg(m_relyingParty)); } bool XboxAuthorizationStep::processSTSError( QNetworkReply::NetworkError error, QByteArray data, QList headers ) { if(error == QNetworkReply::AuthenticationRequiredError) { QJsonParseError jsonError; QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &jsonError); if(jsonError.error) { qWarning() << "Cannot parse error XSTS response as JSON: " << jsonError.errorString(); emit finished( AccountTaskState::STATE_FAILED_SOFT, tr("Cannot parse %1 authorization error response as JSON: %2").arg(m_authorizationKind, jsonError.errorString()) ); return true; } int64_t errorCode = -1; auto obj = doc.object(); if(!Parsers::getNumber(obj.value("XErr"), errorCode)) { emit finished( AccountTaskState::STATE_FAILED_SOFT, tr("XErr element is missing from %1 authorization error response.").arg(m_authorizationKind) ); return true; } switch(errorCode) { case 2148916227: { // NOTE: this is the error experienced by a number of people on Discord using dodgy alt accounts emit finished( AccountTaskState::STATE_FAILED_SOFT, tr("Your XBox Live account has been banned by Microsoft for violating the XBox Community Standards.\nThis may happen if your account was shared or resold.") ); return true; } case 2148916229: { emit finished( AccountTaskState::STATE_FAILED_SOFT, tr("This Microsoft account is linked to a family and your parent or guardian has not given you permission to play online.") ); return true; } case 2148916233: { emit finished( AccountTaskState::STATE_FAILED_SOFT, tr("This Microsoft account does not have an XBox Live profile. Buy the game on %1 first.") .arg("minecraft.net") ); return true; } case 2148916234: { emit finished( AccountTaskState::STATE_FAILED_SOFT, tr("This account has not accepted the XBox Terms of Service. Please log in online and accept them.") ); return true; } case 2148916235: { // NOTE: this is the Grulovia error emit finished( AccountTaskState::STATE_FAILED_SOFT, tr("XBox Live is not available in your country. You've been blocked.") ); return true; } case 2148916236: { emit finished( AccountTaskState::STATE_FAILED_SOFT, tr("This Microsoft account requires proof of age to play. Please login to %1 to provide proof of age.") .arg("login.live.com") ); return true; } case 2148916237: { emit finished( AccountTaskState::STATE_FAILED_SOFT, tr("This Microsoft account has reached its playtime limit and has been blocked from logging in.") ); return true; } case 2148916238: { emit finished( AccountTaskState::STATE_FAILED_SOFT, tr("This Microsoft account is underaged and is not linked to a family.\n\nPlease set up your account according to %1.") .arg("help.minecraft.net") ); return true; } default: { emit finished( AccountTaskState::STATE_FAILED_SOFT, tr("XSTS authentication ended with unrecognized error(s):\n\n%1").arg(errorCode) ); return true; } } } return false; }