#!/system/bin/sh # MagiskHide Props Config # Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers # Licence: MIT # ======================== Variables ======================== MODVERSION=VER_PLACEHOLDER MIRRORPATH=$COREPATH/mirror LATEFILE=LATE_PLACEHOLDER MIRRORLOC=MIRROR_PLACEHOLDER CACHELOC=CACHE_PLACEHOLDER POSTCHKFILE=$CACHELOC/propsconf_postchk RUNFILE=$MODPATH/script_check LOGFILE=$CACHELOC/propsconf.log LASTLOGFILE=$CACHELOC/propsconf_last.log TMPLOGLOC=$CACHELOC/propslogs TMPLOGLIST=" $CACHELOC/magisk.log $CACHELOC/magisk.log.bak /data/adb/magisk_debug.log $CACHELOC/propsconf* $MIRRORPATH/system/build.prop $MIRRORPATH/vendor/build.prop $LATEFILE " CONFFILELST=" /sdcard/propsconf_conf /data/propsconf_conf $CACHELOC/propsconf_conf " RESETFILE=$CACHELOC/reset_mhpc MAGISKLOC=/data/adb/magisk # Make sure that the terminal app used actually can see resetprop alias resetprop="$MAGISKLOC/magisk resetprop" # Finding installed Busybox if [ -d "$IMGPATH/busybox-ndk" ]; then BBPATH=$(find $IMGPATH/busybox-ndk -name 'busybox') else BBPATH=$(which busybox) fi PRINTSLOC=$MODPATH/prints.sh PRINTSTMP=$CACHELOC/prints.sh PRINTSWWW="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Magisk-Modules-Repo/MagiskHide-Props-Config/master/common/prints.sh" PRINTSDEV="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Didgeridoohan/Playground/master/prints.sh" PRINTFILES=$MODPATH/printfiles CSTMPRINTS=/sdcard/printslist CSTMFILE=$PRINTFILES/Custom.sh BIN=BIN_PLACEHOLDER USNFLIST=USNF_PLACEHOLDER # MagiskHide props PROPSLIST=" ro.debuggable ro.secure ro.build.type ro.build.tags ro.build.selinux " # Safe values SAFELIST=" ro.debuggable=0 ro.secure=1 ro.build.type=user ro.build.tags=release-keys ro.build.selinux=0 " # Fingerprint props to change PRINTPROPS=" ro.build.fingerprint ro.bootimage.build.fingerprint ro.vendor.build.fingerprint " # Print parts PRINTPARTS=" ro.product.brand ro.product.name ro.product.device ro.build.version.release ro.build.id ro.build.version.incremental " # Additional SafetyNet props SNPROPS=" ro.build.version.security_patch " # Additional props ADNPROPS=" ro.build.fingerprint ro.vendor.build.fingerprint ro.build.description " # Values props list VALPROPSLIST=$PROPSLIST$PRINTPARTS$SNPROPS$ADNPROPS # Loading module settings . $LATEFILE # ======================== General functions ======================== # Finding file values get_file_value() { if [ -f "$1" ]; then grep $2 $1 | sed "s|.*${2}||" | sed 's|\"||g' fi } # Log functions # Saves the previous log (if available) and creates a new one log_start() { if [ -f "$LOGFILE" ]; then mv -f $LOGFILE $LASTLOGFILE fi touch $LOGFILE echo "***************************************************" >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 echo "********* MagiskHide Props Config $MODVERSION ********" >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 echo "***************** By Didgeridoohan ***************" >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 echo "***************************************************" >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 log_script_chk "Log start." } log_handler() { if [ "$(id -u)" == 0 ] ; then echo "" >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 echo -e "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%N") - $1" >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 fi } log_print() { echo "$1" log_handler "$1" } log_script_chk() { log_handler "$1" echo -e "$(date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S") - $1" >> $RUNFILE 2>&1 } #Divider DIVIDER="${Y}=====================================${N}" # Header menu_header() { if [ -z "$LOGNAME" ] && [ "$DEVTESTING" == "false" ]; then clear fi if [ "$MODVERSION" == "VER_PLACEHOLDER" ]; then VERSIONTXT="" else VERSIONTXT=$MODVERSION fi echo "" echo "${W}MagiskHide Props Config $VERSIONTXT${N}" echo "${W}by Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers${N}" echo "" echo $DIVIDER echo -e " $1" echo $DIVIDER } # Get module version module_v_ctrl() { VERSIONTMP=$(get_file_value $MODPATH/module.prop "version=") VERSIONCMP=$(echo $VERSIONTMP | sed 's|v||g' | sed 's|-.*||' | sed 's|\.||g') } # Find prop type get_prop_type() { if [ "$1" == "ro.vendor.build.fingerprint" ]; then echo "vendprint" else echo $1 | sed 's|.*\.||' | sed 's|.*\_||' fi } # Get left side of = get_eq_left() { echo $1 | cut -f 1 -d '=' } # Get right side of = get_eq_right() { echo $1 | cut -f 2 -d '=' } # Get first word in fingerprint string get_first() { case $1 in *\ *) echo $1 | sed 's|\ .*||' ;; *=*) get_eq_left "$1" ;; esac } # Get the device for current fingerprint get_device_used() { PRINTTMP=$(cat $MODPATH/prints.sh | grep "$1") if [ "$PRINTTMP" ]; then echo "${C}$(get_eq_left "$PRINTTMP" | sed "s| (.*||")${N}" echo "" elif [ -s "$CSTMPRINTS" ]; then PRINTTMP=$(cat $CSTMPRINTS | grep "$1") if [ "$PRINTTMP" ]; then echo "${C}$(get_eq_left "$PRINTTMP" | sed "s| (.*||")${N} (from custom list)" echo "" fi fi } # Get Android version with 3 digits for current fingerprint get_android_version() { print_parts $1 "var" VERTMP=$VARRELEASE if [ "${#VERTMP}" -lt 3 ]; then until [ "${#VERTMP}" == 3 ] do VERTMP="$(echo ${VERTMP}0)" done fi echo $VERTMP } # Get security patch date for current fingerprint get_sec_patch() { echo $1 | sed 's|.*\_\_||' } # Get the fingerprint for displaying in the ui get_print_display() { echo $1 | sed 's|\_\_.*||' } # Replace file values replace_fn() { sed -i "s|${1}=${2}|${1}=${3}|" $4 } # Format user files to remove Windows file endings format_file() { log_handler "Formating file (${1})." # Remove Windows line endings sed -i 's/\r$//' $1 # Check for newline at EOF if [ ! -z "$(tail -c 1 "$1")" ]; then echo "" >> $1 fi } # Reboot the device force_reboot() { echo "" log_print "${C}Rebooting...${N}" setprop sys.powerctl reboot sleep 15 log_handler "Rebooting failed." echo "" echo "That doesn't seem like it worked..." echo "Please reboot manually." echo "" exit 0 } # Updates placeholders placeholder_update() { FILEVALUE=$(get_file_value $1 "$2=") log_handler "Checking for ${3} in ${1}. Current value is ${FILEVALUE}." case $FILEVALUE in *PLACEHOLDER*) replace_fn $2 $3 $4 $1 log_handler "Placeholder ${3} updated to ${4} in ${1}." ;; esac } # Check if boot scripts ran during boot script_ran_check() { POSTCHECK=0 if [ -f "$RUNFILE" ] && [ "$(grep "post-fs-data.sh module script finished" $RUNFILE)" ]; then POSTCHECK=1 fi LATECHECK=0 if [ -f "$RUNFILE" ] && [ "$(grep "service.sh module script finished" $RUNFILE)" ]; then LATECHECK=1 fi } # Check for original prop values orig_check() { PROPSTMPLIST=$VALPROPSLIST ORIGLOAD=0 for PROPTYPE in $PROPSTMPLIST; do PROP=$(get_prop_type $PROPTYPE) ORIGPROP=$(echo "ORIG${PROP}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') ORIGVALUE="$(echo ${ORIGPROP})" if [ "$ORIGVALUE" ]; then ORIGLOAD=1 fi done } # Load currently set values curr_values() { for ITEM in $VALPROPSLIST; do CURRTMP=$(resetprop -v $ITEM) >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 TMPPROP=$(get_prop_type $ITEM | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') eval "CURR${TMPPROP}='$CURRTMP'" done if [ -z "$CURRFINGERPRINT" ]; then CURRFINGERPRINT=$(resetprop -v ro.bootimage.build.fingerprint) >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 if [ -z "$CURRFINGERPRINT" ]; then CURRFINGERPRINT=$(resetprop -v ro.vendor.build.fingerprint) >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 fi fi } # Check if original file values are safe orig_safe() { replace_fn FILESAFE 0 1 $LATEFILE for V in $PROPSLIST; do PROP=$(get_prop_type $V) FILEPROP=$(echo "CURR${PROP}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') FILEVALUE=$(eval "echo \$$FILEPROP") log_handler "Checking ${FILEPROP}=${FILEVALUE}" safe_props $V $FILEVALUE if [ "$SAFE" == 0 ]; then log_handler "Prop $V set to triggering value in prop file." replace_fn FILESAFE 1 0 $LATEFILE else if [ -z "$FILEVALUE" ]; then log_handler "Could not retrieve value for prop $V." elif [ "$SAFE" == 1 ]; then log_handler "Prop $V set to \"safe\" value in prop file." fi fi done } # Run all value loading functions all_values() { log_handler "Loading values." # Currently set values curr_values # Module saved values . $LATEFILE } # Run after updated props/settings after_change() { if [ "$2" == "file" ]; then # Load module settings . $LATEFILE else # Update the reboot variable reboot_chk # Load all values all_values # Ask to reboot reboot_fn "$1" "$2" fi } # Run after changing props/settings with configuration file after_change_file() { # Update the reboot variable reboot_chk # Load all values INPUT="" all_values # Ask to reboot reboot_fn "$1" "$2" } # Check if module needs a reboot reboot_chk() { replace_fn REBOOTCHK 0 1 $LATEFILE } # Reset module reset_fn() { cp -af $MODPATH/propsconf_late $LATEFILE >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 if [ "$BUILDPROPENB" ] && [ "$BUILDPROPENB" != 1 ]; then replace_fn BUILDPROPENB 1 $BUILDPROPENB $LATEFILE fi if [ "$FINGERPRINTENB" ] && [ "$FINGERPRINTENB" != 1 ]; then replace_fn FINGERPRINTENB 1 $FINGERPRINTENB $LATEFILE fi chmod -v 755 $LATEFILE >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 placeholder_update $LATEFILE CACHELOC CACHE_PLACEHOLDER "$CACHELOC" placeholder_update $LATEFILE COREPATH CORE_PLACEHOLDER "$COREPATH" if [ "$1" != "post" ]; then # Update the reboot variable reboot_chk # Update all prop value variables all_values fi } # Checks for configuration file config_file() { log_handler "Checking for configuration file." CONFFILE="" for ITEM in $CONFFILELST; do if [ -s "$ITEM" ]; then CONFFILE="$ITEM" break fi done if [ "$CONFFILE" ]; then log_handler "Configuration file detected (${CONFFILE})." format_file $CONFFILE # Loads custom variables . $CONFFILE module_v_ctrl if [ "$CONFTRANSF" -le $VERSIONCMP ]; then # Check if vendor fingerprint is set if [ "$CONFVENDPRINT" == "true" ]; then log_handler "Using vendor fingerprint" CONFFINGERPRINT=$(resetprop -v ro.vendor.build.fingerprint) >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 fi # Updates prop values (including fingerprint) PROPSTMPLIST=$PROPSLIST" ro.build.fingerprint " for PROPTYPE in $PROPSTMPLIST; do CONFPROP=$(echo "CONF$(get_prop_type $PROPTYPE)" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') TMPPROP=$(eval "echo \$$CONFPROP") if [ "$TMPPROP" ]; then log_handler "Checking $PROPTYPE settings." if [ "$TMPPROP" != "preserve" ]; then if [ "$PROPTYPE" == "ro.build.fingerprint" ]; then if [ "$FINGERPRINTENB" == 1 ]; then change_print "$PROPTYPE" "$TMPPROP" "file" fi else change_prop "$PROPTYPE" "$TMPPROP" "file" fi fi else if [ "$PROPTYPE" == "ro.build.fingerprint" ]; then if [ "$FINGERPRINTENB" == 1 ]; then reset_print "$PROPTYPE" "file" fi else reset_prop "$PROPTYPE" "file" fi fi done # Updates device simulation options, only if fingerprint editing is enabled if [ "$PRINTEDIT" == 1 ]; then # Fingerprint parts if [ "$CONFDEVSIM" == "true" ]; then change_dev_sim "Device simulation" "file" for ITEM in $PRINTPARTS; do TMPVAR="CONF$(get_prop_type $ITEM | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')" if [ $(eval "echo \$$TMPVAR") == "true" ]; then TMPVAL=1 else TMPVAL=0 fi change_sim_prop "Device simulation" "$ITEM" "$TMPVAL" "file" done fi # Device description if [ "$CONFDESCRIPTION" == "true" ]; then change_sim_descr "Device simulation" 1 "file" else change_sim_descr "Device simulation" 0 "file" fi fi # Updates prop file editing if [ "$FILESAFE" == 0 ]; then if [ "$CONFPROPFILES" == "true" ]; then edit_prop_files "file" "" " (configuration file)" elif [ "$CONFPROPFILES" == "false" ]; then reset_prop_files "file" "" " (configuration file)" fi fi # Updates custom props if [ "$PROPOPTION" != "preserve" ]; then if [ "$CONFPROPS" ] || [ "$CONFPROPSPOST" ] || [ "$CONFPROPSLATE" ]; then if [ "$PROPOPTION" == "add" ] || [ "$PROPOPTION" == "replace" ]; then if [ "$PROPOPTION" == "replace" ]; then reset_all_custprop "file" fi if [ "$CONFPROPS" ]; then for ITEM in $CONFPROPS; do set_custprop "$(get_eq_left "$ITEM")" "$(get_eq_right "$ITEM")" "default" "file" done fi if [ "$CONFPROPSPOST" ]; then for ITEM in $CONFPROPSPOST; do set_custprop "$(get_eq_left "$ITEM")" "$(get_eq_right "$ITEM")" "post" "file" done fi if [ "$CONFPROPSLATE" ]; then for ITEM in $CONFPROPSLATE; do set_custprop "$(get_eq_left "$ITEM")" "$(get_eq_right "$ITEM")" "late" "file" done fi fi else reset_all_custprop "file" fi fi # Updates props to delete if [ "$DELPROPOPTION" != "preserve" ]; then if [ "$CONFDELPROPS" ]; then if [ "$DELPROPOPTION" == "add" ] || [ "$DELPROPOPTION" == "replace" ]; then if [ "$DELPROPOPTION" == "replace" ]; then reset_all_delprop "file" fi for ITEM in $CONFDELPROPS; do set_delprop "$ITEM" "file" done fi else reset_all_delprop "file" fi fi # Updates options if [ "$CONFLATE" == "true" ]; then OPTLCHNG=1 TMPTXT="late_start service" else OPTLCHNG=0 TMPTXT="post-fs-data" fi replace_fn OPTIONLATE $OPTIONLATE $OPTLCHNG $LATEFILE log_handler "Boot stage is ${TMPTXT}." if [ "$CONFCOLOUR" == "true" ]; then OPTCCHNG=1 else OPTCCHNG=0 fi replace_fn OPTIONCOLOUR $OPTIONCOLOUR $OPTCCHNG $LATEFILE log_handler "Colour $CONFCOLOUR." if [ "$CONFWEB" == "true" ]; then OPTWCHNG=1 else OPTWCHNG=0 fi replace_fn OPTIONWEB $OPTIONWEB $OPTWCHNG $LATEFILE log_handler "Automatic fingerprints list update $CONFWEB." else log_handler "The configuration file is not compatible with the current module version." fi # Deletes the configuration file log_handler "Deleting configuration file." rm -f $CONFFILE log_handler "Configuration file import complete." else log_handler "No configuration file." fi } # Connection test test_connection() { ping -c 1 -W 1 google.com >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 && CNTTEST="true" || CNTTEST="false" } # ======================== Fingerprint functions ======================== # Set new fingerprint print_edit() { if [ "$FINGERPRINTENB" == 1 -o "$PRINTMODULE" == 0 ] && [ "$PRINTEDIT" == 1 ]; then log_handler "Changing fingerprint." if [ "$PRINTVEND" == 1 ]; then log_handler "Using vendor fingerprint (for Treble GSI ROMs)." PRINTCHNG="$(resetprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint)" # Set device simulation variables print_parts "$PRINTCHNG" else PRINTCHNG="$(echo $MODULEFINGERPRINT | sed 's|\_\_.*||')" fi for ITEM in $PRINTPROPS; do log_handler "Changing/writing $ITEM." resetprop -v $ITEM >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 resetprop -nv $ITEM $PRINTCHNG >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 done # Edit security patch date if included if [ "$PRINTVEND" != 1 ]; then SECPATCH="$(get_sec_patch $MODULEFINGERPRINT)" case "$MODULEFINGERPRINT" in *__*) if [ "$SECPATCH" ]; then log_handler "Updating security patch date to match fingerprint used." resetprop -v ro.build.version.security_patch >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 resetprop -nv ro.build.version.security_patch $SECPATCH >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 fi ;; esac fi # Edit device description if [ "$DESCRIPTIONSET" == 1 ]; then if [ "$SIMDESCRIPTION" ]; then log_handler "Changing/writing ro.build.description." resetprop -v ro.build.description >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 resetprop -nv ro.build.description "$SIMDESCRIPTION" >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 fi else log_handler "Changing/writing ro.build.description is disabled." fi fi } # Create fingerprint files print_files() { log_print "Creating fingerprint files." rm -rf $PRINTFILES >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 mkdir -pv $PRINTFILES >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 # Loading prints . $PRINTSLOC # Saving manufacturers log_handler "Saving manufacturers." SAVEIFS=$IFS IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b") for ITEM in $PRINTSLIST; do TMPOEMLIST=$(echo "$OEMLIST $(get_first $ITEM)" | sed 's|^[ \t]*||') OEMLIST="$TMPOEMLIST" done IFS=$SAVEIFS TMPOEMLIST=$(echo $(printf '%s\n' $OEMLIST | sort -u)) OEMLIST="$TMPOEMLIST" log_handler "Creating files." for OEM in $OEMLIST; do echo -e "PRINTSLIST=\"" >> $PRINTFILES/${OEM}\.sh grep $OEM >> $PRINTFILES/${OEM}\.sh $PRINTSLOC echo -e "\"" >> $PRINTFILES/${OEM}\.sh done # Check for updated fingerprint device_print_update "Updating module fingerprint." } device_print_update() { if [ "$OPTIONUPDATE" == 1 ]; then if [ "$FINGERPRINTENB" == 1 -o "$PRINTMODULE" == 0 ] && [ "$PRINTEDIT" == 1 ] && [ "$MODULEFINGERPRINT" ]; then TMPDEV="${SIMBRAND}/${SIMNAME}/${SIMDEVICE}" for ITEM in $PRINTSLIST; do case $ITEM in *$TMPDEV*) TMPPRINT=$ITEM break ;; esac done log_handler "Checking for updated fingerprint ($TMPDEV)." if [ "$TMPDEV" ] && [ "$TMPPRINT" ]; then if [ "$MODULEFINGERPRINT" != "$(get_eq_right $TMPPRINT))" ]; then log_handler "$1" change_print "$1" $(get_eq_right $TMPPRINT) "update" replace_fn PRINTCHK 0 1 $LATEFILE # Load module values . $LATEFILE else log_handler "No update available." fi fi fi fi } # Checks and updates the prints list download_prints() { if [ -z "$LOGNAME" ] && [ "$DEVTESTING" == "false" ]; then clear fi if [ "$1" == "Dev" ]; then PRINTSWWW=$PRINTSDEV fi menu_header "Updating fingerprints list" echo "" # Testing connection log_print "Checking connection." test_connection # Checking and downloading fingerprints list if [ "$CNTTEST" == "true" ]; then log_print "Checking list version." wget -T 5 -q -O $PRINTSTMP $PRINTSWWW >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 if [ -s "$PRINTSTMP" ]; then LISTVERSION=$(get_file_value $PRINTSTMP "PRINTSV=") if [ "$LISTVERSION" ]; then if [ "$LISTVERSION" == "Dev" ] || [ "$LISTVERSION" -gt "$(get_file_value $PRINTSLOC "PRINTSV=")" ]; then module_v_ctrl if [ "$(get_file_value $PRINTSTMP "PRINTSTRANSF=")" -le $VERSIONCMP ]; then mv -f $PRINTSTMP $PRINTSLOC >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 # Updates list version in module.prop replace_fn version $VERSIONTMP "${MODVERSION}-v${LISTVERSION}" $MODPATH/module.prop log_print "Updated list to v${LISTVERSION}." print_files else rm -f $PRINTSTMP log_print "New fingerprints list requires module update." fi else rm -f $PRINTSTMP log_print "Fingerprints list up-to-date." fi else rm -f $PRINTSTMP log_print "! File not downloaded!" log_handler "Couldn't extract list version." fi elif [ -f "$PRINTSTMP" ]; then rm -f $PRINTSTMP log_print "! File not downloaded!" log_handler "File is empty." else log_print "! File not downloaded!" fi else log_print "No connection." fi if [ "$1" == "manual" ]; then sleep 2 else sleep 0.5 fi } # Reset the module fingerprint change reset_print() { log_handler "Resetting device fingerprint to default system value." # Saves new module valueS replace_fn MODULEFINGERPRINT "\"$MODULEFINGERPRINT\"" "\"\"" $LATEFILE # Updates vendor print setting replace_fn PRINTVEND 1 0 $LATEFILE # Updates prop change variables in propsconf_late replace_fn PRINTEDIT 1 0 $LATEFILE # Updates improved hiding setting replace_fn SETFINGERPRINT "true" "false" $LATEFILE # Updates simulation setting replace_fn DEVSIM 1 0 $LATEFILE # Clear out device simulation variables print_parts "none" after_change "$1" "$2" } # Use fingerprint change_print() { log_handler "Changing device fingerprint to $2." # Saves new module values replace_fn MODULEFINGERPRINT "\"$MODULEFINGERPRINT\"" "\"$2\"" $LATEFILE # Updates prop change variables in propsconf_late replace_fn PRINTEDIT 0 1 $LATEFILE # Updates improved hiding setting replace_fn SETFINGERPRINT "false" "true" $LATEFILE # Set device simulation variables print_parts "$2" NEWFINGERPRINT="" if [ "$DEVSIM" == 1 ]; then after_change "$1" "$3" fi } # Use vendor fingerprint change_print_vendor() { if [ $2 == 1 ]; then STATETXT="Enabling" TMPVAL=0 BUILD1="false" BUILD2="true" else STATETXT="Disabling" TMPVAL=1 BUILD1="true" BUILD2="false" fi log_handler "$STATETXT using the stock vendor fingerprint (for Treble GSI ROMs)." # Enables or disables the setting replace_fn PRINTVEND $TMPVAL $2 $LATEFILE # Updates prop change variables in propsconf_late replace_fn PRINTEDIT $TMPVAL $2 $LATEFILE # Clearing out module value replace_fn MODULEFINGERPRINT "\"$MODULEFINGERPRINT\"" "\"\"" $LATEFILE # Updates improved hiding setting replace_fn SETFINGERPRINT $BUILD1 $BUILD2 $LATEFILE # Updates simulation setting replace_fn DEVSIM $TMPVAL $2 $LATEFILE # Set device simulation variables print_parts "$ORIGVENDPRINT" if [ "$DEVSIM" == 1 ]; then after_change "$1" "$3" fi } # Save props values from fingerprint parts print_parts() { DLIM1=1 DLIM2=1 for ITEM in $PRINTPARTS; do TMPVALUE="" TMPPROP=$(get_prop_type $ITEM | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') if [ $1 != "none" ]; then TMPVALUE=$(echo $1 | sed 's|\:user\/release-keys||' | cut -f $DLIM1 -d ':' | cut -f $DLIM2 -d '/') eval "VAR${TMPPROP}='$TMPVALUE'" fi DLIM2=$(($DLIM2 + 1)) if [ "$DLIM2" == 4 ]; then DLIM1=2 DLIM2=1 fi if [ "$2" != "var" ]; then SUBA=$(get_file_value $LATEFILE "SIM${TMPPROP}=") replace_fn "SIM${TMPPROP}" "\"$SUBA\"" "\"$TMPVALUE\"" $LATEFILE fi done VARDESCRIPTION="" if [ $1 != "none" ]; then VARDESCRIPTION="${VARNAME}-user $VARRELEASE $VARID $VARINCREMENTAL release-keys" fi if [ "$2" != "var" ]; then replace_fn SIMDESCRIPTION "\"$SIMDESCRIPTION\"" "\"$VARDESCRIPTION\"" $LATEFILE fi # Load module values . $LATEFILE } # ======================== Device simulation functions ======================== # Edit the simulation props dev_sim_edit() { if [ "$FINGERPRINTENB" == 1 -o "$PRINTMODULE" == 0 ] && [ "$PRINTEDIT" == 1 ]; then if [ "$DEVSIM" == 1 ]; then log_handler "Editing device simulation props." for ITEM in $PRINTPARTS; do TMPPROP=$(get_prop_type $ITEM | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') TMPENB=$(get_file_value $LATEFILE "${TMPPROP}SET=") TMPVALUE=$(get_file_value $LATEFILE "SIM${TMPPROP}=") if [ "$TMPENB" == 1 ] && [ "$TMPVALUE" ]; then log_handler "Changing/writing $ITEM." resetprop -v $ITEM >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 resetprop -nv $ITEM $TMPVALUE >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 else log_handler "Changing/writing $ITEM is disabled." fi done fi fi } # Enable/disable the option change_dev_sim() { if [ $DEVSIM == 0 ]; then STATETXT="Enabling" TMPVAL=1 else STATETXT="Disabling" TMPVAL=0 fi log_handler "$STATETXT basic device simulation." # Enables or disables the setting replace_fn "DEVSIM" $DEVSIM $TMPVAL $LATEFILE after_change "$1" "$2" } # Change if prop should be simulated or not change_sim_prop() { if [ $3 == 1 ]; then STATETXT="enabled" else STATETXT="disabled" fi log_handler "Changing device simulation prop $2 to $STATETXT." TMPPROP=$(get_prop_type $2 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') SUBA=$(get_file_value $LATEFILE "${TMPPROP}SET=") # Saves new value replace_fn "${TMPPROP}SET" $SUBA $3 $LATEFILE after_change "$1" "$4" } # Change if description should be simulated or not change_sim_descr() { if [ $2 == 1 ]; then STATETXT="enabled" else STATETXT="disabled" fi log_handler "Changing device description editing to $STATETXT." # Saves new value replace_fn DESCRIPTIONSET $DESCRIPTIONSET $2 $LATEFILE after_change "$1" "$3" } # ======================== Props files functions ======================== # Reset prop files reset_prop_files() { log_handler "Resetting prop files$3." # Changes files for PROPTYPE in $PROPSLIST; do log_handler "Disabling prop file editing for '$PROPTYPE'." PROP=$(get_prop_type $PROPTYPE) SETPROP=$(echo "SET$PROP" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') replace_fn $SETPROP "true" "false" $LATEFILE done # Change fingerprint replace_fn SETFINGERPRINT "true" "false" $LATEFILE # Edit settings variables replace_fn BUILDEDIT 1 0 $LATEFILE replace_fn DEFAULTEDIT 1 0 $LATEFILE if [ "$1" != "file" ]; then after_change_file "$1" "$2" fi } # Editing prop files settings edit_prop_files() { log_handler "Modifying prop files$3." # Checks if editing prop files is enabled if [ "$BUILDPROPENB" == 0 ]; then log_handler "Editing build.prop is disabled. Only editing default.prop." PROPSLIST=" ro.debuggable ro.secure " else # Checking if the device fingerprint is set by the module if [ "$FINGERPRINTENB" == 1 ] && [ "$PRINTEDIT" == 1 ]; then if [ "$(grep "$ORIGFINGERPRINT" $MIRRORLOC/build.prop)" ]; then log_handler "Enabling prop file editing for device fingerprint." replace_fn SETFINGERPRINT "false" "true" $LATEFILE fi fi fi for PROPTYPE in $PROPSLIST; do log_handler "Checking original file value for '$PROPTYPE'." PROP=$(get_prop_type $PROPTYPE) FILEPROP=$(echo "FILE$PROP" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') SETPROP=$(echo "SET$PROP" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') # Check the original file value PROPVALUE=$(get_file_value $LATEFILE "$FILEPROP=") if [ -z "$PROPVALUE" ]; then if [ "$PROPTYPE" == "ro.debuggable" ] || [ "$PROPTYPE" == "ro.secure" ]; then PROPVALUE=$(get_file_value /default.prop "${PROPTYPE}=") else PROPVALUE=$(get_file_value $MIRRORLOC/build.prop "${PROPTYPE}=") fi fi # Checks for default/set values safe_props $PROPTYPE $PROPVALUE # Changes file only if necessary if [ "$SAFE" == 0 ]; then log_handler "Enabling prop file editing for '$PROPTYPE'." replace_fn $SETPROP "false" "true" $LATEFILE elif [ "$SAFE" == 1 ]; then log_handler "Prop file editing unnecessary for '$PROPTYPE'." replace_fn $SETPROP "true" "false" $LATEFILE else log_handler "Couldn't check safe value for '$PROPTYPE'." fi done replace_fn BUILDEDIT 0 1 $LATEFILE replace_fn DEFAULTEDIT 0 1 $LATEFILE if [ "$1" != "file" ]; then after_change_file "$1" "$2" fi } # Edit the prop files change_prop_file() { case $1 in build) FNLIST=" ro.build.type ro.build.tags ro.build.selinux " PROPFILELOC=$MODPATH/system/build.prop ;; default) FNLIST=" ro.debuggable ro.secure " PROPFILELOC=/default.prop ;; esac for ITEM in $FNLIST; do PROP=$(get_prop_type $ITEM) MODULEPROP=$(echo "MODULE${PROP}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') FILEPROP=$(echo "ORIG${PROP}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') SETPROP=$(echo "SET${PROP}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') if [ "$(eval "echo \$$MODULEPROP")" ]; then SEDVAR="$(eval "echo \$$MODULEPROP")" else for P in $SAFELIST; do if [ "$(get_eq_left "$P")" == "$ITEM" ]; then SEDVAR=$(get_eq_right "$P") fi done fi if [ "$(get_file_value $LATEFILE "${SETPROP}=")" == "true" ]; then replace_fn $ITEM $(eval "echo \$$FILEPROP") $SEDVAR $PROPFILELOC && log_handler "${ITEM}=${SEDVAR}" fi done } # ======================== MagiskHide Props functions ======================== # Check safe values safe_props() { SAFE="" if [ "$2" ]; then for P in $SAFELIST; do if [ "$(get_eq_left "$P")" == "$1" ]; then if [ "$2" == "$(get_eq_right "$P")" ]; then SAFE=1 else SAFE=0 fi break fi done fi } # Find what prop value to change to change_to() { CHANGE="" case "$1" in ro.debuggable) if [ "$2" == 0 ]; then CHANGE=1; else CHANGE=0; fi ;; ro.secure) if [ "$2" == 0 ]; then CHANGE=1; else CHANGE=0; fi ;; ro.build.type) if [ "$2" == "userdebug" ]; then CHANGE="user"; else CHANGE="userdebug"; fi ;; ro.build.tags) if [ "$2" == "test-keys" ]; then CHANGE="release-keys"; else CHANGE="test-keys"; fi ;; ro.build.selinux) if [ "$2" == 0 ]; then CHANGE=1; else CHANGE=0; fi ;; esac } # Reset the module prop change reset_prop() { # Sets variables PROP=$(get_prop_type $1) MODULEPROP=$(echo "MODULE${PROP}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') REPROP=$(echo "RE${PROP}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') SUBA=$(get_file_value $LATEFILE "${MODULEPROP}=") log_handler "Resetting $1 to default system value." # Saves new module value replace_fn $MODULEPROP "\"$SUBA\"" "\"\"" $LATEFILE # Changes prop replace_fn $REPROP "true" "false" $LATEFILE # Updates prop change variable in propsconf_late if [ "$SUBA" ]; then if [ "$PROPCOUNT" -gt 0 ]; then PROPCOUNTP=$(($PROPCOUNT-1)) replace_fn PROPCOUNT $PROPCOUNT $PROPCOUNTP $LATEFILE fi fi if [ "$PROPCOUNT" == 0 ]; then replace_fn PROPEDIT 1 0 $LATEFILE fi after_change "$1" "$2" } # Use prop value change_prop() { # Sets variables PROP=$(get_prop_type $1) MODULEPROP=$(echo "MODULE${PROP}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') REPROP=$(echo "RE${PROP}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') SUBA=$(get_file_value $LATEFILE "${MODULEPROP}=") log_handler "Changing $1 to $2." # Saves new module value replace_fn $MODULEPROP "\"$SUBA\"" "\"$2\"" $LATEFILE # Changes prop replace_fn $REPROP "false" "true" $LATEFILE # Updates prop change variables in propsconf_late if [ -z "$SUBA" ]; then PROPCOUNTP=$(($PROPCOUNT+1)) replace_fn PROPCOUNT $PROPCOUNT $PROPCOUNTP $LATEFILE fi replace_fn PROPEDIT 0 1 $LATEFILE after_change "$1" "$3" } # Reset all module prop changes reset_prop_all() { log_handler "Resetting all props to default values." for PROPTYPE in $PROPSLIST; do PROP=$(get_prop_type $PROPTYPE) MODULEPROP=$(echo "MODULE${PROP}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') REPROP=$(echo "RE${PROP}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') SUBA=$(get_file_value $LATEFILE "${MODULEPROP}=") # Saves new module value replace_fn $MODULEPROP "\"$SUBA\"" "\"\"" $LATEFILE # Changes prop replace_fn $REPROP "true" "false" $LATEFILE done # Updates prop change variables in propsconf_late replace_fn PROPCOUNT $PROPCOUNT 0 $LATEFILE replace_fn PROPEDIT 1 0 $LATEFILE after_change "$1" } # ======================== Custom Props functions ======================== # Set custom props custom_edit() { if [ "$1" ] && [ "$CUSTOMEDIT" == 1 ]; then TMPLST="$(get_file_value $LATEFILE "${1}=")" if [ "$TMPLST" ]; then log_handler "Writing custom props." for ITEM in $TMPLST; do log_handler "Changing/writing $(get_eq_left "$ITEM")." TMPITEM=$( echo $(get_eq_right "$ITEM") | sed 's|_sp_| |g') resetprop -v $(get_eq_left "$ITEM") >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 resetprop -nv $(get_eq_left "$ITEM") "$TMPITEM" >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 done fi fi } # Set custom prop value set_custprop() { if [ "$2" ]; then # Reset the prop reset_custprop "$1" "$(resetprop $1)" "bootstage" # Set the prop PROPSBOOTSTAGE="CUSTOMPROPS" PROPSTXT="default" if [ "$3" == "post" ]; then PROPSBOOTSTAGE="CUSTOMPROPSPOST" PROPSTXT="post-fs-data" elif [ "$3" == "late" ]; then PROPSBOOTSTAGE="CUSTOMPROPSLATE" PROPSTXT="late_start service" elif [ "$3" == "both" ]; then PROPSBOOTSTAGE="CUSTOMPROPSPOST CUSTOMPROPSLATE" PROPSTXT="post-fs-data/late_start service" fi TMPVALUE=$(echo "$2" | sed 's| |_sp_|g') TMPORIG=$(echo "$4" | sed 's| |_sp_|g') DLIMTMP=1 for ITEM in $PROPSBOOTSTAGE; do CURRCUSTPROPS=$(get_file_value $LATEFILE "${ITEM}=") case "$CURRCUSTPROPS" in *$1*) TMPCUSTPROPS=$(echo "$CURRCUSTPROPS" | sed "s|${1}=${TMPORIG}|${1}=${TMPVALUE}|") ;; *) TMPCUSTPROPS=$(echo "$CURRCUSTPROPS ${1}=${TMPVALUE}" | sed 's|^[ \t]*||') ;; esac SORTCUSTPROPS=$(echo $(printf '%s\n' $TMPCUSTPROPS | sort -u)) log_handler "Setting custom prop $1 in $(echo $PROPSTXT | cut -f $DLIMTMP -d '/') stage." replace_fn $ITEM "\"$CURRCUSTPROPS\"" "\"$SORTCUSTPROPS\"" $LATEFILE replace_fn CUSTOMEDIT 0 1 $LATEFILE DLIMTMP=$(($DLIMTMP + 1)) done after_change "$1" "$4" fi } # Reset all custom prop values reset_all_custprop() { log_handler "Resetting all custom props." # Removing all custom props replace_fn CUSTOMPROPS "\"$CUSTOMPROPS\"" "\"\"" $LATEFILE replace_fn CUSTOMPROPSPOST "\"$CUSTOMPROPSPOST\"" "\"\"" $LATEFILE replace_fn CUSTOMPROPSLATE "\"$CUSTOMPROPSLATE\"" "\"\"" $LATEFILE replace_fn CUSTOMEDIT 1 0 $LATEFILE after_change "Resetting all custom props" "$1" } # Reset custom prop value reset_custprop() { log_handler "Resetting custom prop $1." PROPSBOOTSTAGE="CUSTOMPROPS CUSTOMPROPSPOST CUSTOMPROPSLATE" TMPVALUE=$(echo "$2" | sed 's| |_sp_|g') for ITEM in $PROPSBOOTSTAGE; do CURRCUSTPROPS=$(get_file_value $LATEFILE "${ITEM}=") TMPCUSTPROPS=$(echo $CURRCUSTPROPS | sed "s|${1}=${TMPVALUE}||" | tr -s " " | sed 's|^[ \t]*||') # Updating custom props string replace_fn $ITEM "\"$CURRCUSTPROPS\"" "\"$TMPCUSTPROPS\"" $LATEFILE done if [ -z "$CUSTOMPROPS" ] && [ -z "$CUSTOMPROPSPOST" ] && [ -z "$CUSTOMPROPSLATE" ]; then replace_fn CUSTOMEDIT 1 0 $LATEFILE fi if [ "$3" != "bootstage" ]; then after_change "$1" fi } # ======================== Delete Props functions ======================== # Delete props prop_del() { if [ "$DELEDIT" == 1 ]; then log_handler "Deleting props." for ITEM in $DELETEPROPS; do log_handler "Deleting $ITEM." TMPITEM=$( echo $(get_eq_right "$ITEM") | sed 's|_sp_| |g') resetprop -v $ITEM >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 case "$ITEM" in persist*) resetprop -pv --delete $ITEM >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 ;; *) resetprop -v --delete $ITEM >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 ;; esac done fi } # Set prop to delete set_delprop() { if [ "$1" ]; then TMPDELPROPS=$(echo "$DELETEPROPS ${1}" | sed 's|^[ \t]*||') SORTDELPROPS=$(echo $(printf '%s\n' $TMPDELPROPS | sort -u)) log_handler "Setting prop to delete, $1." replace_fn DELETEPROPS "\"$DELETEPROPS\"" "\"$SORTDELPROPS\"" $LATEFILE replace_fn DELEDIT 0 1 $LATEFILE after_change "Delete $1" "$2" fi } # Reset all props to delete reset_all_delprop() { log_handler "Resetting list of props to delete." # Removing all props to delete replace_fn DELETEPROPS "\"$DELETEPROPS\"" "\"\"" $LATEFILE replace_fn DELEDIT 1 0 $LATEFILE after_change "Delete $1" "$2" } # Reset prop to delete reset_delprop() { log_handler "Resetting prop to delete, $1." TMPDELPROPS=$(echo $DELETEPROPS | sed "s|${1}||" | tr -s " " | sed 's|^[ \t]*||') # Resetting prop to delete replace_fn DELETEPROPS "\"$DELETEPROPS\"" "\"$TMPDELPROPS\"" $LATEFILE # Loading new value . $LATEFILE if [ -z "$DELETEPROPS" ]; then replace_fn DELEDIT 1 0 $LATEFILE fi after_change "Delete $1" "$2" } # ======================== Log collecting functions ======================== # Collects useful logs and info for troubleshooting collect_logs() { log_handler "Collecting logs and information." # Create temporary directory mkdir -pv $TMPLOGLOC >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 # Saving Magisk and module log files and device original build.prop for ITEM in $TMPLOGLIST; do if [ -f "$ITEM" ]; then case "$ITEM" in *build.prop*) BPNAME="build_$(echo $ITEM | sed 's|\/build.prop||' | sed 's|.*\/||g').prop" ;; *) BPNAME="" ;; esac cp -af $ITEM ${TMPLOGLOC}/${BPNAME} >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 else case "$ITEM" in */cache) if [ "$CACHELOC" == "/cache" ]; then CACHELOCTMP=/data/cache else CACHELOCTMP=/cache fi ITEMTPM=$(echo $ITEM | sed 's|$CACHELOC|$CACHELOCTMP|') if [ -f "$ITEMTPM" ]; then cp -af $ITEMTPM $TMPLOGLOC >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 else log_handler "$ITEM not available." fi ;; *) log_handler "$ITEM not available." ;; esac fi done # Saving the current prop values resetprop > $TMPLOGLOC/props.txt # Package the files cd $CACHELOC tar -zcvf propslogs.tar.gz propslogs >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 # Copy package to internal storage mv -f $CACHELOC/propslogs.tar.gz /storage/emulated/0 >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 # Remove temporary directory rm -rf $TMPLOGLOC >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 log_handler "Logs and information collected." if [ "$1" != "issue" ]; then INPUTTMP="" menu_header "${C}$1${N}" echo "" echo "Logs and information collected." echo "" echo "The packaged file has been saved to the" echo "root of your device's internal storage." echo "" echo "Attach the file to a post in the support" echo "thread @ XDA, with a detailed description" echo "of your issue." echo "" echo -n "Press enter to continue..." read -r INPUTTMP case "$INPUTTMP" in *) if [ "$2" == "l" ]; then exit_fn fi ;; esac fi } # Log print log_handler "Functions loaded."