#!/system/bin/sh # MagiskHide Props Config # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers # Licence: MIT # ================================================================= # ======================= Configuration file ====================== # ================================================================= # Required module version (or newer). Do not edit this value! CONFTRANSF=531 # Device fingerprint CONFFINGERPRINT="" CONFVENDPRINT=false CONFPRINTBOOT=default CONFPATCHBOOT=late # Force BASIC attestation CONFBASICATTEST=false CONFBASICATTCUST="" # Device simulation CONFDEVSIM=false CONFBRAND=false CONFNAME=false CONFDEVICE=false CONFRELEASE=false CONFID=false CONFINCREMENTAL=false CONFDISPLAY=false CONFSDK=false CONFMANUFACTURER=false CONFMODEL=false CONFDESCRIPTION=true CONFPARTPROPS=true CONFSIMBOOT=default # MagiskHide sensitive props CONFDEBUGGABLE="" CONFSECURE="" CONFTYPE="" CONFTAGS="" CONFSELINUX="" # Set custom props CONFPROPS="" CONFPROPSPOST="" CONFPROPSLATE="" CONFPROPSDELAY="" PROPOPTION=replace # Delete props CONFDELPROPS="" DELPROPOPTION=replace # Module settings CONFBOOT=default CONFCOLOUR=true CONFWEB=true CONFUPDATE=true CONFBACK=false # ================================================================= # ========================== Instructions ========================= # ================================================================= # Set the above variables to the desired prop/configuration values. # If any variables are left unset, that particular prop/configuration # will be cleared and the device/Magisk default values will be used. # If you want to keep any current module settings (for those that # aren't true/false options), add "preserve" to the variable. # Example: # CONFFINGERPRINT=preserve # When placed in the root of your internal storage (/sdcard), in /data # or in /cache (or /data/cache if you're using an A/B device), the module will load these # values during boot and the configuration file will be deleted. Keep a backup of the # file if you want to reuse it at a later time (clean ROM flash, etc). # For more information, see the documentation: # https://github.com/Magisk-Modules-Repo/MagiskHide-Props-Config/blob/master/README.md # and the support thread @ XDA Developers: # https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/magisk/module-magiskhide-props-config-t3789228 # ================================================================= # =========================== Variables =========================== # ================================================================= # CONFFINGERPRINT should be set to the fingerprint of a ROM that passes # the ctsProfile check. See the prints.sh file for usable prints, # or the documentation for information on how to find one. # Note that Android builds after March 16 2018 often also need to match the Android # security patch date. Add the date to the end of the fingerprint, preceeded by # two underscores (example: __2018-10-05), or use the CONFPROPS setting # to set ro.build.version.security_patch to the matching date (example: 2018-10-05). # # Changing CONFVENDPRINT to 'true' will enable using the stock vendor # fingerprint for Treble GSI ROMs (so only us this if you're on a Treble GSI ROM). # NOTE! Keep in mind that there is no need to enter a fingerprint in # CONFFINGERPRINT when enabling this option, or setting a security patch date. # # CONFPRINTBOOT is by default set to using the module default boot stage for setting props. # If the setting is changed to "post" or "late", the props will be set during either # post-fs-data or late_start service mode. This is useful if props don't seem to set # propely or the module's boot script seems to be causing issues during boot. # # CONFPATCHBOOT is by default set to using late_start service boot stage for setting # ro.build.version.security_patch. If the setting is changed to "default" or "post", # the prop will be set during either the default or post-fs-data stage. The # late_start service boot stage is used by default as to not cause issues for devices with # Keymaster 4 (bootloops). If the prop doesn't seem to set properly, try changing the stage. # CONFBASICATTEST is used to enable Forced BASIC attestation, which is done by changing the # variable to 'true'. To set a custom value, change CONFBASICATTCUST to the value you want. # Example: # CONFBASICATTCUST="randommodelname" # CONFDEVSIM and the following CONFBRAND, CONFNAME, CONFDEVICE, CONFRELEASE # CONFID, CONFINCREMENTAL, CONFDESCRIPTION, CONFDISPLAY, CONFSDK, CONFMANUFACTURER and CONFMODEL # are used to set a number of props to simulate a certain deviced based on the fingerprint used. # CONFDESCRIPTION will automatically be applied if a fingerprint is set # by the module, but the other props will only be set if CONFDEVSIM is # set to true, and the default setting for all props are that they will be # set by the module. If you want to change this, change "true" to "false" # for the applicable variables. # # CONFPARTPROPS is used to enable or disable using partition specific version of the simulation props. # # CONFSIMBOOT is by default set to using the module default boot stage for setting props. # If the setting is changed to "post" or "late", the props will be set during either # post-fs-data or late_start service mode. This is useful if props don't seem to set # propely or the module's boot script seems to be causing issues during boot. # The MagiskHide prop variables can be set as follows: # CONFDEBUGGABLE - 0 or 1 (set to "0" by MagiskHide - sensitive value is "1") # CONFSECURE - 0 or 1 (set to "1" by MagiskHide - sensitive value is "0") # CONFTYPE - user or userdebug (set to "user" by MagiskHide - sensitive value is "userdebug") # CONFTAGS - release-keys or test-keys (set to "release-keys" by MagiskHide - sensitive value is "test-keys") # CONFSELINUX - 0 or 1 (set to "0" by MagiskHide - sensitive value is "1") # CONFPROPS should contain any custom props and the value you want the module to set. # Any props you've previously edited in build.prop, and more, can be set like this. # Add them to the CONFPROPS variable according to the following example: # CONFPROPS=" # ro.sf.lcd_density=320 # ro.config.media_vol_steps=30 # net.tethering.noprovisioning=true # " # Please observe that if the prop you're trying to set contains spaces, you'll # need to replace those spaces with "_sp_" (without the quotation marks). # # If you want a specific prop to run in either post-fs-data or late_start service, # use either CONFPROPSPOST or CONFPROPSLATE instead. Any props added to CONFPROPS # will run in the boot stage currently set in the module options (see CONFLATE below). # # The CONFPROPSDELAY option is used to set a delay for when a specific custom prop is set. Will automacially # set the prop during the late_start service boot stage. The syntax is as follows: # Follow the same instructions a for the CONFPROPS variable above to set up the props with the desired values. # Then append the time in seconds, preceeded by a semicolon. To make the delay wait for # "Boot completed" also append the word boot, preceeded by two underscores. If the delay is # supposed to execute instantly, don't add anything after the desired time. Example: # CONFPROPSDELAY=" # ro.sf.lcd_density=320;10__boot # ro.config.media_vol_steps=30;20 # " # In the example above, the density prop will be set 10 seconds after "Boot completed", and the volume steps prop # will be set 20 seconds after the script is executed in the late_start service boot stage. # # With PROPOPTION you can decide if the current custom prop list should # be replaced, added to or preserved. Add the corresponding words "replace", # "add", or "preserve". The default option is to replace the list. # This option supersedes the preserve option described above, but only # for the CONFPROPS variables. # CONFDELPROPS is a list of props you want to remove from your system. # Be very careful when using this option, removing the wrong props might # cause issues. # Add the props you want to remove to the CONFDELPROPS variable according to # the following example: # CONFDELPROPS=" # ro.sf.lcd_density # ro.config.media_vol_steps # net.tethering.noprovisioning # " # # With DELPROPOPTION you can decide if the current custom prop list should # be replaced, added to or preserved. Add the corresponding words "replace", # "add", or "preserve". The default option is to replace the list. # This option supersedes the preserve option described above, but only # for the CONFDELPROPS variable. # CONFBOOT is by default set to using the module system.prop file for most props. # If the setting is changed to "post" or "late", the props will be set during either # post-fs-data or late_start service mode. This is useful if props don't seem to set # propely or the module's boot script seems to be causing issues during boot. # # CONFCOLOUR, CONFWEB, CONFUPDATE and CONFBACK are the options for scrit colours, # automatic fingerprints list update, automatic update of the set fingerprint and # background execution of the post-fs-data.sh boot script. # See the module documentation for more details. Set to "true" or "false".