2017-03-06 22:28:46 +02:00

439 lines
18 KiB

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream;
#include <elfio/elfio.hpp>
using namespace ELFIO;
bool write_obj_i386( bool is64bit )
elfio writer;
writer.create( is64bit ? ELFCLASS64 : ELFCLASS32, ELFDATA2LSB );
writer.set_type( ET_REL );
writer.set_os_abi( ELFOSABI_LINUX );
writer.set_machine( is64bit ? EM_X86_64 : EM_386 );
// Create code section*
section* text_sec = writer.sections.add( ".text" );
text_sec->set_type( SHT_PROGBITS );
text_sec->set_flags( SHF_ALLOC | SHF_EXECINSTR );
text_sec->set_addr_align( 0x10 );
// Add data into it
char text[] = { '\xB8', '\x04', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', // mov eax, 4
'\xBB', '\x01', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', // mov ebx, 1
'\xB9', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', // mov ecx, msg
'\xBA', '\x0E', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', // mov edx, 14
'\xCD', '\x80', // int 0x80
'\xB8', '\x01', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', // mov eax, 1
'\xCD', '\x80' // int 0x80
text_sec->set_data( text, sizeof( text ) );
// Create data section*
section* data_sec = writer.sections.add( ".data" );
data_sec->set_type( SHT_PROGBITS );
data_sec->set_flags( SHF_ALLOC | SHF_WRITE );
data_sec->set_addr_align( 4 );
char data[] = { '\x48', '\x65', '\x6C', '\x6C', '\x6F', // msg: db 'Hello, World!', 10
'\x2C', '\x20', '\x57', '\x6F', '\x72',
'\x6C', '\x64', '\x21', '\x0A'
data_sec->set_data( data, sizeof( data ) );
section* str_sec = writer.sections.add( ".strtab" );
str_sec->set_type( SHT_STRTAB );
str_sec->set_addr_align( 0x1 );
string_section_accessor str_writer( str_sec );
Elf_Word nStrIndex = str_writer.add_string( "msg" );
section* sym_sec = writer.sections.add( ".symtab" );
sym_sec->set_type( SHT_SYMTAB );
sym_sec->set_info( 2 );
sym_sec->set_link( str_sec->get_index() );
sym_sec->set_addr_align( 4 );
sym_sec->set_entry_size( writer.get_default_entry_size( SHT_SYMTAB ) );
symbol_section_accessor symbol_writer( writer, sym_sec );
Elf_Word nSymIndex = symbol_writer.add_symbol( nStrIndex, 0, 0,
data_sec->get_index() );
// Another way to add symbol
symbol_writer.add_symbol( str_writer, "_start", 0x00000000, 0,
text_sec->get_index() );
// Create relocation table section*
section* rel_sec = writer.sections.add( ".rel.text" );
rel_sec->set_type( SHT_REL );
rel_sec->set_info( text_sec->get_index() );
rel_sec->set_link( sym_sec->get_index() );
rel_sec->set_addr_align( 4 );
rel_sec->set_entry_size( writer.get_default_entry_size( SHT_REL ) );
relocation_section_accessor rel_writer( writer, rel_sec );
rel_writer.add_entry( 11, nSymIndex, (unsigned char)R_386_RELATIVE );
// Another method to add the same relocation entry
// pRelWriter->AddEntry( pStrWriter, "msg",
// pSymWriter, 29, 0,
// data_sec->GetIndex(),
// 0, (unsigned char)R_386_RELATIVE );
// Create note section*
section* note_sec = writer.sections.add( ".note" );
note_sec->set_type( SHT_NOTE );
note_sec->set_addr_align( 1 );
// Create notes writer
note_section_accessor note_writer( writer, note_sec );
note_writer.add_note( 0x77, "Created by ELFIO", 0, 0 );
// Create ELF file
is64bit ?
"../elf_examples/write_obj_i386_64.o" :
return true;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( write_obj_i386_32 )
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( true, write_obj_i386( false ) );
output_test_stream output( "../elf_examples/write_obj_i386_32_match.o", true, false );
std::ifstream input( "../elf_examples/write_obj_i386_32.o", std::ios::binary );
output << input.rdbuf();
BOOST_CHECK( output.match_pattern() );
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( write_obj_i386_64 )
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( true, write_obj_i386( true ) );
output_test_stream output( "../elf_examples/write_obj_i386_64_match.o", true, false );
std::ifstream input( "../elf_examples/write_obj_i386_64.o", std::ios::binary );
output << input.rdbuf();
BOOST_CHECK( output.match_pattern() );
bool write_exe_i386( const std::string& filename, bool is64bit, bool set_addr = false, Elf64_Addr addr = 0 )
elfio writer;
writer.create( is64bit ? ELFCLASS64 : ELFCLASS32, ELFDATA2LSB );
writer.set_os_abi( ELFOSABI_LINUX );
writer.set_type( ET_EXEC );
writer.set_machine( is64bit ? EM_X86_64 : EM_386 );
// Create code section*
section* text_sec = writer.sections.add( ".text" );
text_sec->set_type( SHT_PROGBITS );
text_sec->set_flags( SHF_ALLOC | SHF_EXECINSTR );
text_sec->set_addr_align( 0x10 );
if ( set_addr ) {
text_sec->set_address( addr );
// Add data into it
char text[] = { '\xB8', '\x04', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', // mov eax, 4
'\xBB', '\x01', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', // mov ebx, 1
'\xB9', '\x20', '\x80', '\x04', '\x08', // mov ecx, msg
'\xBA', '\x0E', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', // mov edx, 14
'\xCD', '\x80', // int 0x80
'\xB8', '\x01', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', // mov eax, 1
'\xCD', '\x80' // int 0x80
text_sec->set_data( text, sizeof( text ) );
segment* text_seg = writer.segments.add();
text_seg->set_type( PT_LOAD );
text_seg->set_virtual_address( 0x08048000 );
text_seg->set_physical_address( 0x08048000 );
text_seg->set_flags( PF_X | PF_R );
text_seg->set_align( 0x1000 );
text_seg->add_section_index( text_sec->get_index(), text_sec->get_addr_align() );
// Create data section*
section* data_sec = writer.sections.add( ".data" );
data_sec->set_type( SHT_PROGBITS );
data_sec->set_flags( SHF_ALLOC | SHF_WRITE );
data_sec->set_addr_align( 0x4 );
char data[] = { '\x48', '\x65', '\x6C', '\x6C', '\x6F', // msg: db 'Hello, World!', 10
'\x2C', '\x20', '\x57', '\x6F', '\x72',
'\x6C', '\x64', '\x21', '\x0A'
data_sec->set_data( data, sizeof( data ) );
segment* data_seg = writer.segments.add();
data_seg->set_type( PT_LOAD );
data_seg->set_virtual_address( 0x08048020 );
data_seg->set_physical_address( 0x08048020 );
data_seg->set_flags( PF_W | PF_R );
data_seg->set_align( 0x10 );
data_seg->add_section_index( data_sec->get_index(), data_sec->get_addr_align() );
section* note_sec = writer.sections.add( ".note" );
note_sec->set_type( SHT_NOTE );
note_sec->set_addr_align( 1 );
note_section_accessor note_writer( writer, note_sec );
note_writer.add_note( 0x01, "Created by ELFIO", 0, 0 );
char descr[6] = {0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36};
note_writer.add_note( 0x01, "Never easier!", descr, sizeof( descr ) );
// Create ELF file
writer.set_entry( 0x08048000 );
writer.save( filename );
return true;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( write_exe_i386_32 )
const std::string generated_file ( "../elf_examples/write_exe_i386_32" );
const std::string reference_file ( "../elf_examples/write_exe_i386_32_match" );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( true, write_exe_i386( generated_file, false ) );
output_test_stream output( reference_file, true, false );
std::ifstream input( generated_file, std::ios::binary );
output << input.rdbuf();
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( output.match_pattern(), "Comparing " + generated_file + " and " + reference_file );
enum Tests { SEG_ALIGN = 1 };
void checkObjestsAreEqual( std::string file_name1, std::string file_name2 )
elfio file1;
elfio file2;
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( file1.load( file_name1 ), true );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.save( file_name2 ), true );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( file1.load( file_name1 ), true );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( file2.load( file_name2 ), true );
for (int i = 0; i < file1.sections.size(); ++i ) {
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.sections[i]->get_address(),
file2.sections[i]->get_address() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.sections[i]->get_addr_align(),
file2.sections[i]->get_addr_align() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.sections[i]->get_entry_size(),
file2.sections[i]->get_entry_size() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.sections[i]->get_flags(),
file2.sections[i]->get_flags() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.sections[i]->get_index(),
file2.sections[i]->get_index() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.sections[i]->get_info(),
file2.sections[i]->get_info() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.sections[i]->get_link(),
file2.sections[i]->get_link() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.sections[i]->get_name(),
file2.sections[i]->get_name() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.sections[i]->get_name_string_offset(),
file2.sections[i]->get_name_string_offset() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.sections[i]->get_size(),
file2.sections[i]->get_size() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.sections[i]->get_type(),
file2.sections[i]->get_type() );
if ( file1.sections[i]->get_type() == SHT_NULL ||
file1.sections[i]->get_type() == SHT_NOBITS ) {
BOOST_REQUIRE_NE( file1.sections[i]->get_data(), (const char*)0 );
BOOST_REQUIRE_NE( file2.sections[i]->get_data(), (const char*)0 );
std::string pdata1( file1.sections[i]->get_data(),
file1.sections[i]->get_data() +
file1.sections[i]->get_size() );
std::string pdata2( file2.sections[i]->get_data(),
file2.sections[i]->get_data() +
file2.sections[i]->get_size() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.sections[i]->get_size(),
file2.sections[i]->get_size() );
if ( ( file2.sections[i]->get_type() != SHT_NULL ) &&
( file2.sections[i]->get_type() != SHT_NOBITS ) ) {
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( pdata1.begin(), pdata1.end(),
pdata2.begin(), pdata2.end() );
void checkExeAreEqual( std::string file_name1, std::string file_name2, int skipTests = 0 )
checkObjestsAreEqual( file_name1, file_name2 );
elfio file1;
elfio file2;
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( file1.load( file_name1 ), true );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( file2.load( file_name2 ), true );
for (int i = 0; i < file1.segments.size(); ++i ) {
if ( !(skipTests & SEG_ALIGN) )
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.segments[i]->get_align(),
file2.segments[i]->get_align() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.segments[i]->get_file_size(),
file2.segments[i]->get_file_size() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.segments[i]->get_memory_size(),
file2.segments[i]->get_memory_size() );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( file1.segments[i]->get_type(),
file2.segments[i]->get_type() );
// skip data comparisons of the program header and of empty segments
if( file1.segments[i]->get_type() == PT_PHDR || !file1.segments[i]->get_file_size() )
BOOST_REQUIRE_NE( file1.segments[i]->get_data(), (const char*)0 );
BOOST_REQUIRE_NE( file2.segments[i]->get_data(), (const char*)0 );
std::string pdata1( file1.segments[i]->get_data(),
file1.segments[i]->get_data() +
file1.segments[i]->get_file_size() );
std::string pdata2( file2.segments[i]->get_data(),
file2.segments[i]->get_data() +
file2.segments[i]->get_file_size() );
// truncate the data if the header and the segment table is
// part of the segment
Elf64_Off afterPHDR = file1.get_segments_offset() +
file1.get_segment_entry_size() * file1.segments.size();
if( file1.segments[i]->get_offset() < afterPHDR ) {
pdata1 = pdata1.substr( (unsigned int)afterPHDR );
pdata2 = pdata2.substr( (unsigned int)afterPHDR );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( pdata1.begin(), pdata1.end(),
pdata2.begin(), pdata2.end() );
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( elf_object_copy_32 )
checkObjestsAreEqual( "../elf_examples/hello_32.o",
"../elf_examples/hello_32_copy.o" );
checkObjestsAreEqual( "../elf_examples/hello_64.o",
"../elf_examples/hello_64_copy.o" );
checkObjestsAreEqual( "../elf_examples/test_ppc.o",
"../elf_examples/test_ppc_copy.o" );
checkObjestsAreEqual( "../elf_examples/write_obj_i386_32.o",
"../elf_examples/write_obj_i386_32_copy.o" );
checkObjestsAreEqual( "../elf_examples/write_obj_i386_64.o",
"../elf_examples/write_obj_i386_64_copy.o" );
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( section_header_address_update )
elfio reader;
const std::string file_w_addr ( "../elf_examples/write_exe_i386_32_w_addr" );
write_exe_i386( file_w_addr, false, true, 0x08048100 );
reader.load( file_w_addr );
section* sec = reader.sections[".text"];
BOOST_REQUIRE_NE( sec, (section*)0 );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( sec->get_address(), 0x08048100 );
const std::string file_wo_addr ( "../elf_examples/write_exe_i386_32_wo_addr" );
write_exe_i386( file_wo_addr, false, false, 0 );
reader.load( file_wo_addr );
sec = reader.sections[".text"];
BOOST_REQUIRE_NE( sec, (section*)0 );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( sec->get_address(), 0x08048000 );
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( elfio_copy )
elfio e;
const std::string filename ( "../elf_examples/write_exe_i386_32_section_added" );
write_exe_i386( filename, false, true, 0x08048100 );
e.load( filename );
Elf_Half num = e.sections.size();
//section* new_sec =
e.sections.add( "new" );
e.save( filename );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( num + 1, e.sections.size() );
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( elf_exe_copy_64 )
checkExeAreEqual( "../elf_examples/64bitLOAD.elf",
"../elf_examples/64bitLOAD_copy.elf" );
checkExeAreEqual( "../elf_examples/asm64",
"../elf_examples/asm64_copy" );
checkExeAreEqual( "../elf_examples/hello_64",
"../elf_examples/hello_64_copy" );
// The last segment (GNU_RELRO) is bigger than necessary.
// I don't see why but it contains a few bits of the .got.plt section.
// -> load, store, compare cycle fails
// checkExeAreEqual( "../elf_examples/main",
// "../elf_examples/main_copy" );
// checkExeAreEqual( "../elf_examples/ls",
// "../elf_examples/ls_copy" );
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( elf_exe_copy_32 )
checkExeAreEqual( "../elf_examples/asm",
"../elf_examples/asm_copy" );
checkExeAreEqual( "../elf_examples/arm_v7m_test_debug.elf",
"../elf_examples/arm_v7m_test_debug_copy.elf" );
checkExeAreEqual( "../elf_examples/arm_v7m_test_release.elf",
"../elf_examples/arm_v7m_test_release_copy.elf" );
checkExeAreEqual( "../elf_examples/hello_32",
"../elf_examples/hello_32_copy" );
checkExeAreEqual( "../elf_examples/hello_arm",
"../elf_examples/hello_arm_copy" );
checkExeAreEqual( "../elf_examples/hello_arm_stripped",
"../elf_examples/hello_arm_stripped_copy" );
checkExeAreEqual( "../elf_examples/read_write_arm_elf32_input",
"../elf_examples/read_write_arm_elf32_input_copy" );
checkExeAreEqual( "../elf_examples/test_ppc",
"../elf_examples/test_ppc_copy" );
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( elf_exe_loadsave_ppc32big3 )
std::string in = "../elf_examples/ppc-32bit-specimen3.elf";
std::string out = "../elf_examples/ppc-32bit-testcopy3.elf";
elfio elf;
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( elf.load( in ), true );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( elf.save( out ), true );
checkObjestsAreEqual( in, out);
checkExeAreEqual( in, out, SEG_ALIGN );