2012-03-09 19:49:45 +02:00

472 lines
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<subtitle>User's Guide</subtitle>
<preface id="introduction">
ELFIO is a C++ library for reading and generating files in ELF binary
format. This library is independent and does not require any other product.
It is also cross-platform - the library uses standard ANSI C++ constructions
and runs on wide variety of architectures.
While the library's implementation does make your work much easier: basic
knowledge of the ELF binary format is required. Information about ELF
format can be found widely on the web.
<chapter id="get-started">
<title>Getting Started With ELFIO</title>
<title>ELF File Reader</title>
The ELFIO library is a header only library. No preparatory compilation
steps are required. To make your application be aware about the
ELFIO classes and types declarations, just include <filename>elfio.hpp</filename> header file.
All ELFIO library declarations reside in ELFIO namespace.
So, this tutorial code starts from the following code:
<area id="plco.include" coords='3 60'/>
<area id="plco.namespace" coords='5 60'/>
#include <iostream>
#include <elfio.hpp>
using namespace ELFIO;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
if ( argc != 2 ) {
std::cout << "Usage: tutorial <elf_file>" << std::endl;
return 1;
<callout arearefs="plco.include">
Include <filename>elfio.hpp</filename> header file
<callout arearefs="plco.namespace">
The ELFIO namespace usage
This chapter will explain how to work with the reader portion
of the ELFIO library. The first step would be creation of the <classname>elfio</classname>
class instance. The <classname>elfio</classname> constructor does not
receive any parameters. After that, we initialize the instance by
loading an ELF file with name passed as a parameter.
<area id="plco.constructor" coords='3 60'/>
<area id="plco.load" coords='6 60'/>
// Create an elfio reader
elfio reader;
// Load ELF data
if ( !reader.load( argv[1] ) ) {
std::cout << "Can't find or process ELF file " << argv[1] << std::endl;
return 2;
<callout arearefs="plco.constructor">
Create <classname>elfio</classname> class instance
<callout arearefs="plco.load">
Initialize the instance by loading ELF file. The function
<function>load</function> returns
if the ELF file was found and processed successfully. It returns
<returnvalue>false</returnvalue> otherwise.
From here, ELF header properties are accessible. This makes it possible
to request file parameters such as encoding, machine type,
entry point, etc. To get the class and the encoding of the file use:
<area id="plco.get_class" coords='4 60'/>
<area id="plco.get_encoding" coords='10 60'/>
// Print ELF file properties
std::cout << "ELF file class : ";
if ( reader.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 )
std::cout << "ELF32" << std::endl;
std::cout << "ELF64" << std::endl;
std::cout << "ELF file encoding : ";
if ( reader.get_encoding() == ELFDATA2LSB )
std::cout << "Little endian" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Big endian" << std::endl;
<callout arearefs="plco.get_class">
Member function <function>get_class()</function> returns ELF file
class. Possible values are <constant>ELFCLASS32</constant> or
<callout arearefs="plco.get_encoding">
Member function <function>get_encoding()</function> returns ELF file
format encoding. Possible values are <constant>ELFDATA2LSB</constant>
and <constant>ELFDATA2MSB</constant>.
Standard ELF types, flags and constants
are defined in the <filename>elf_types.hpp</filename> header file.
This file is included automatically into the project.
For example: <constant>ELFCLASS32</constant>,
<constant>ELFCLASS64</constant> constants define a value for 32/64 bit
architectures. <constant>ELFDATA2LSB</constant> and
<constant>ELFDATA2MSB</constant> constants define value
for little and big endian encoding.
ELF binary files may consist of several sections. Each section has it's own
responsibility: some contain executable code; others describe program
dependencies; others symbol tables and so on. See ELF binary format
documentation for a full description of each section.
The following code demonstrates how to find out the amount of sections
the ELF file contains. The code also presents how to access particular
section properties like names and sizes:
// Print ELF file sections info
Elf_Half sec_num = reader.sections.size();
std::cout << "Number of sections: " << sec_num << std::endl;
for ( int i = 0; i < sec_num; ++i ) {
const section* psec = reader.sections[i];
std::cout << " [" << i << "] "
<< psec->get_name()
<< "\t"
<< psec->get_size()
<< std::endl;
// Access to section's data
// const char* p = reader.sections[i]->get_data()
<methodname>sections</methodname> member of <classname>reader</classname>
object permits to obtain number of sections the ELF file contains. It
also serves for getting access to individual section by using
<methodname>operator[]</methodname>, which returns a pointer to
corresponding section's interface.
Similarly, segments of the ELF file can be processed:
// Print ELF file segments info
Elf_Half seg_num = reader.segments.size();
std::cout << "Number of segments: " << seg_num << std::endl;
for ( int i = 0; i < seg_num; ++i ) {
const segment* pseg = reader.segments[i];
std::cout << " [" << i << "] 0x" << std::hex
<< pseg->get_flags()
<< "\t0x"
<< pseg->get_virtual_address()
<< "\t0x"
<< pseg->get_file_size()
<< "\t0x"
<< pseg->get_memory_size()
<< std::endl;
// Access to segments's data
// const char* p = reader.segments[i]->get_data()
In this case, segments' attributes and data are obtained by using
<methodname>segments</methodname> member of the <classname>reader</classname>.
The full text of this example comes together with ELFIO library
<title>ELF Section Data Accessors</title>
To simplify creation and interpretation of the ELF sections' data,
the ELFIO library comes with auxiliary classes - accessors. To the moment
of this document writing, the following accessors are available:
<itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
Definitely, it is possible to extend the library by implementing additional
accessors serving particular purposes.
Let's see how the accessors can be used with the previous ELF file reader
example. For this example purposes, we will print out all symbols in a
symbol section.
if ( psec->get_type() == SHT_SYMTAB ) {
const symbol_section_accessor symbols( reader, psec );
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < symbols.get_symbols_num(); ++j ) {
std::string name;
Elf64_Addr value;
Elf_Xword size;
unsigned char bind;
unsigned char type;
Elf_Half section_index;
unsigned char other;
symbols.get_symbol( j, name, value, size, bind,
type, section_index, other );
std::cout << j << " " << name << std::endl;
We create <classname>symbol_section_accessor</classname> instance first.
Usually, accessors receive the <classname>elfio</classname> and
<classname>section*</classname> parameters for their constructors.
<methodname>get_symbol</methodname> is used to retrieve a particular entry
in the symbol table.
<title>ELFDump Utility</title>
The source code for the ELF Dumping Utility can be found in
the "Examples" directory; included there are more examples on how
to use different ELFIO reader interfaces.
<title>ELF File Writer</title>
The ELFIO library is a header only library. No preparatory compilation
steps are required. To make your application be aware about the
ELFIO classes and types declarations, just include <filename>elfio.hpp</filename> header file.
All ELFIO library declarations reside in ELFIO namespace.
So, our tutorial code starts from this:
<chapter id="section-interface">
<title>ELFIO Library Classes</title>
<title>Class <classname>elfio</classname></title>
<title>Data members</title>
The ELFIO library consists of two independent parts: ELF File Reader
<title>Member functions</title>
The ELFIO library consists of two independent parts: ELF File Reader
and ELF Producer (<classname>IELFO</classname>).
Each is represented by its own set of interfaces.
The library does not contain any classes that need to be explicitly
instantiated. ELFIO itself provides the interfaces that
are used to access the library's functionality.
<chapter id="ielfo">
<classname>IELFO</classname> - ELF File Producer Interface
The ELFIO library can help you build a very short ELF executable file.
This chapter shows how to build an executable file that will run on
x86 Linux machines and print "Hello World!" on your console.
Just as with the reader, the first step is to get
a pointer onto the ELF File Writer (Producer):
ELFIO::GetInstance()->CreateELFO( &pELFO );
Before continuing, the library must be informed about the main
attributes of the executable file to be built. To do this, declare
that the executable ELF file will run on a 32 bit x86 machine; has little
endian encoding and uses the current version of the ELF file format:
// You can't proceed without this function call!
Some sections of an ELF executable file should reside in the program
segments. To create this loadable segment call the
<methodname>AddSegment()</methodname> function.
// Create a loadable segment
IELFOSegment* pSegment = pELFO->AddSegment( PT_LOAD,
PF_X | PF_R,
0x1000 );
The following segment serves as a placeholder for our code section.
To create this code section call the AddSection() function:
// Create code section
IELFOSection* pTextSec = pELFO->AddSection( ".text",
0 );
Then, add the executable code for the section:
char text[] =
{ '\xB8', '\x04', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', // mov eax, 4
'\xBB', '\x01', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', // mov ebx, 1
'\xB9', '\xFD', '\x00', '\x04', '\x08', // mov ecx, msg
'\xBA', '\x0E', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', // mov edx, 14
'\xCD', '\x80', // int 0x80
'\xB8', '\x01', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', // mov eax, 1
'\xCD', '\x80', // int 0x80
'\x48', '\x65', '\x6C', '\x6C', '\x6F', // db 'Hello'
'\x2C', '\x20', '\x57', '\x6F', '\x72', // db ', Wor'
'\x6C', '\x64', '\x21', '\x0A' // db 'ld!', 10
pTextSec->SetData( text, sizeof( text ) );
Next, this code section is put into the loadable segment:
// Add code section into program segment
pSegment->AddSection( pTextSec );
Finally, define the start address of the program
and create the result file:
// Set program entry point
pELFO->SetEntry( 0x08040000 );
// Create ELF file
pELFO->Save( "test.elf" );
Please note: Call the <methodname>Release()</methodname> functions
for each interface you have used.
This will free all resources the ELFIO library has created.
Now compile the program and run it. The result is a new ELF file
called "test.elf". The size of this working executable file is only
267 bytes! Run it on your Linux machine with the following commands:
[Writer]$ ./Writer
[Writer]$ chmod +x test.elf
[Writer]$ ./test.elf
Hello, World!
The full text for this program can be found in the "Writer" directory.
Also, in the "Examples" directory, two other programs "WriteObj"
and "WriteObj2" demonstrate the creation of ELF object files.