/* Copyright (C) 2001-2020 by Serge Lamikhov-Center Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include using namespace ELFIO; #include "elfio_c_wrapper.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // elfio //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pelfio_t elfio_new() { return new elfio; } void elfio_delete( pelfio_t pelfio ) { delete (elfio*)pelfio; } void elfio_create( pelfio_t pelfio, unsigned char file_class, unsigned char encoding ) { pelfio->create( file_class, encoding ); } bool elfio_load( pelfio_t pelfio, const char* file_name ) { return pelfio->load( file_name ); } bool elfio_save( pelfio_t pelfio, const char* file_name ) { return pelfio->save( file_name ); } ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_IMPL( unsigned char, class ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_IMPL( unsigned char, elf_version ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_IMPL( unsigned char, encoding ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_IMPL( Elf_Word, version ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_IMPL( Elf_Half, header_size ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_IMPL( Elf_Half, section_entry_size ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_IMPL( Elf_Half, segment_entry_size ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET_IMPL( unsigned char, os_abi ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET_IMPL( unsigned char, abi_version ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET_IMPL( Elf_Half, type ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET_IMPL( Elf_Half, machine ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET_IMPL( Elf_Word, flags ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET_IMPL( Elf64_Addr, entry ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET_IMPL( Elf64_Off, sections_offset ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET_IMPL( Elf64_Off, segments_offset ); ELFIO_C_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET_IMPL( Elf_Half, section_name_str_index ); Elf_Half elfio_get_sections_num( pelfio_t pelfio ) { return pelfio->sections.size(); } psection_t elfio_get_section_by_index( pelfio_t pelfio, int index ) { return pelfio->sections[index]; } psection_t elfio_get_section_by_name( pelfio_t pelfio, char* name ) { return pelfio->sections[name]; } psection_t elfio_add_section( pelfio_t pelfio, char* name ) { return pelfio->sections.add( name ); } Elf_Half elfio_get_segments_num( pelfio_t pelfio ) { return pelfio->segments.size(); } psegment_t elfio_get_segment_by_index( pelfio_t pelfio, int index ) { return pelfio->segments[index]; } psegment_t elfio_add_segment( pelfio_t pelfio ) { return pelfio->segments.add(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // section //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELFIO_C_GET_ACCESS_IMPL( section, Elf_Half, index ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( section, Elf_Word, type ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( section, Elf_Xword, flags ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( section, Elf_Word, info ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( section, Elf_Word, link ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( section, Elf_Xword, addr_align ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( section, Elf_Xword, entry_size ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( section, Elf64_Addr, address ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( section, Elf_Xword, size ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( section, Elf_Word, name_string_offset ); ELFIO_C_GET_ACCESS_IMPL( section, Elf64_Off, offset ); void elfio_section_get_name( psection_t psection, char* buffer, int len ) { strncpy( buffer, psection->get_name().c_str(), len - 1 ); } void elfio_section_set_name( psection_t psection, char* buffer ) { psection->set_name( buffer ); } char* elfio_section_get_data( psection_t psection ) { return (char*)psection->get_data(); } void elfio_section_set_data( psection_t psection, const char* pData, Elf_Word size ) { psection->set_data( pData, size ); } void elfio_section_append_data( psection_t psection, const char* pData, Elf_Word size ) { psection->append_data( pData, size ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // segment //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELFIO_C_GET_ACCESS_IMPL( segment, Elf_Half, index ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( segment, Elf_Word, type ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( segment, Elf_Word, flags ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( segment, Elf_Xword, align ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( segment, Elf_Xword, memory_size ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( segment, Elf64_Addr, virtual_address ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( segment, Elf64_Addr, physical_address ); ELFIO_C_GET_SET_ACCESS_IMPL( segment, Elf_Xword, file_size ); ELFIO_C_GET_ACCESS_IMPL( segment, Elf64_Off, offset ); char* elfio_segment_get_data( psegment_t psegment ) { return (char*)psegment->get_data(); } Elf_Half elfio_segment_add_section_index( psegment_t psegment, Elf_Half index, Elf_Xword addr_align ) { return psegment->add_section_index( index, addr_align ); } Elf_Half elfio_segment_get_sections_num( psegment_t psegment ) { return psegment->get_sections_num(); } Elf_Half elfio_segment_get_section_index_at( psegment_t psegment, Elf_Half num ) { return psegment->get_section_index_at( num ); } bool elfio_segment_is_offset_initialized( psegment_t psegment ) { return psegment->is_offset_initialized(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // symbol //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- psymbol_t elfio_symbol_section_accessor_new( pelfio_t pelfio, psection_t psection ) { return new symbol_section_accessor( *pelfio, psection ); } void elfio_symbol_section_accessor_delete( psymbol_t psymbol ) { delete psymbol; } Elf_Xword elfio_symbol_get_symbols_num( psymbol_t psymbol ) { return psymbol->get_symbols_num(); } bool elfio_symbol_get_symbol( psymbol_t psymbol, Elf_Xword index, char* name, int name_len, Elf64_Addr* value, Elf_Xword* size, unsigned char* bind, unsigned char* type, Elf_Half* section_index, unsigned char* other ) { std::string name_param; bool ret = psymbol->get_symbol( index, name_param, *value, *size, *bind, *type, *section_index, *other ); strncpy( name, name_param.c_str(), name_len - 1 ); return ret; } Elf_Word elfio_symbol_add_symbol( psymbol_t psymbol, Elf_Word name, Elf64_Addr value, Elf_Xword size, unsigned char info, unsigned char other, Elf_Half shndx ) { return psymbol->add_symbol( name, value, size, info, other, shndx ); } Elf_Xword elfio_symbol_arrange_local_symbols( psymbol_t psymbol, void ( *func )( Elf_Xword first, Elf_Xword second ) ) { return psymbol->arrange_local_symbols( func ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // relocation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- prelocation_t elfio_relocation_section_accessor_new( pelfio_t pelfio, psection_t psection ) { return new relocation_section_accessor( *pelfio, psection ); } void elfio_relocation_section_accessor_delete( prelocation_t prelocation ) { delete prelocation; } Elf_Xword elfio_relocation_get_entries_num( prelocation_t prelocation ) { return prelocation->get_entries_num(); } bool elfio_relocation_get_entry( prelocation_t prelocation, Elf_Xword index, Elf64_Addr* offset, Elf_Word* symbol, Elf_Word* type, Elf_Sxword* addend ) { return prelocation->get_entry( index, *offset, *symbol, *type, *addend ); } bool elfio_relocation_set_entry( prelocation_t prelocation, Elf_Xword index, Elf64_Addr offset, Elf_Word symbol, Elf_Word type, Elf_Sxword addend ) { return prelocation->set_entry( index, offset, symbol, type, addend ); } void elfio_relocation_add_entry( prelocation_t prelocation, Elf64_Addr offset, Elf_Word symbol, unsigned char type, Elf_Sxword addend ) { return prelocation->add_entry( offset, symbol, type, addend ); } void elfio_relocation_swap_symbols( prelocation_t prelocation, Elf_Xword first, Elf_Xword second ) { prelocation->swap_symbols( first, second ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // string //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pstring_t elfio_string_section_accessor_new( psection_t psection ) { return new string_section_accessor( psection ); } void elfio_string_section_accessor_delete( pstring_t pstring ) { delete pstring; } const char* elfio_string_get_string( pstring_t pstring, Elf_Word index ) { return pstring->get_string( index ); } Elf_Word elfio_string_add_string( pstring_t pstring, char* str ) { return pstring->add_string( str ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // note //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pnote_t elfio_note_section_accessor_new( pelfio_t pelfio, psection_t psection ) { return new note_section_accessor( *pelfio, psection ); } void elfio_note_section_accessor_delete( pnote_t pnote ) { delete pnote; } Elf_Word elfio_note_get_notes_num( pnote_t pnote ) { return pnote->get_notes_num(); } bool elfio_note_get_note( pnote_t pnote, Elf_Word index, Elf_Word* type, char* name, int name_len, void** desc, Elf_Word* descSize ) { std::string name_str; bool ret = pnote->get_note( index, *type, name_str, *desc, *descSize ); strncpy( name, name_str.c_str(), name_len - 1 ); return ret; } void elfio_note_add_note( pnote_t pnote, Elf_Word type, const char* name, const void* desc, Elf_Word descSize ) { pnote->add_note( type, name, desc, descSize ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // modinfo //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pmodinfo_t elfio_modinfo_section_accessor_new( psection_t psection ) { return new modinfo_section_accessor( psection ); } void elfio_modinfo_section_accessor_delete( pmodinfo_t pmodinfo ) { delete pmodinfo; } Elf_Word elfio_modinfo_get_attribute_num( pmodinfo_t pmodinfo ) { return pmodinfo->get_attribute_num(); } bool elfio_modinfo_get_attribute( pmodinfo_t pmodinfo, Elf_Word no, char* field, int field_len, char* value, int value_len ) { std::string field_str; std::string value_str; bool ret = pmodinfo->get_attribute( no, field_str, value_str ); strncpy( field, field_str.c_str(), field_len - 1 ); strncpy( value, value_str.c_str(), value_len - 1 ); return ret; } bool elfio_modinfo_get_attribute_by_name( pmodinfo_t pmodinfo, char* field_name, char* value, int value_len ) { std::string value_str; bool ret = pmodinfo->get_attribute( value_str, value_str ); strncpy( value, value_str.c_str(), value_len - 1 ); return ret; } Elf_Word elfio_modinfo_add_attribute( pmodinfo_t pmodinfo, char* field, char* value ) { return pmodinfo->add_attribute( field, value ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dynamic //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pdynamic_t elfio_dynamic_section_accessor_new( pelfio_t pelfio, psection_t psection ) { return new dynamic_section_accessor( *pelfio, psection ); } void elfio_dynamic_section_accessor_delete( pdynamic_t pdynamic ) { delete pdynamic; } Elf_Xword elfio_dynamic_get_entries_num( pdynamic_t pdynamic ) { return pdynamic->get_entries_num(); } bool elfio_dynamic_get_entry( pdynamic_t pdynamic, Elf_Xword index, Elf_Xword* tag, Elf_Xword* value, char* str, int str_len ) { std::string str_str; bool ret = pdynamic->get_entry( index, *tag, *value, str_str ); strncpy( str, str_str.c_str(), str_len - 1 ); return ret; } void elfio_dynamic_add_entry( pdynamic_t pdynamic, Elf_Xword tag, Elf_Xword value ) { pdynamic->add_entry( tag, value ); }