2019-06-18 14:59:55 +02:00

363 lines
13 KiB

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import numpy as np
# Return a mask based off the specified color
# Color should have a shape of (r, g, b) and a float value from 0.0 to 1.0
# Colored should be the image in array form, with expanded dimensions of axis=0,
# and the array has values from 0.0 to 1.0, same as color array.
def get_mask(colored, color):
mask = np.ones(colored.shape, np.uint8)
i, j = np.where(np.all(colored[0] == color, axis=-1))
mask[0, i, j] = 0
return mask
def image_to_array(image):
array = np.asarray(image)
return np.array(array / 255.0)
# Find all the regions of the masked picture
# All marked regions should have the value 0, all else should be 1
def region_by_mask(mask):
# Gets all of the coordinates where the mask exists
i, j = np.where(np.all(mask[0], axis=-1) == 0)
if len(i) == 0:
return []
# Creates a tuple of the coordinates
coords = [coord for coord in zip(j, i)]
# Creates a dictionary with the coordinates as both key and value.
neighbors = dict((y, {y}) for y in coords)
for x, y in neighbors:
candidates = (x + 1, y), (x, y + 1)
for candidate in candidates:
if candidate in neighbors:
neighbors[x, y].add(candidate)
neighbors[candidate].add((x, y))
closed_list = set()
def connected_component(pixel):
region = set()
open_list = {pixel}
while open_list:
pixel = open_list.pop()
open_list |= neighbors[pixel] - closed_list
return region
regions = []
for pixel in neighbors:
if pixel not in closed_list:
regions.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
return regions
# Expand the box surrounding the region area.
def expand_bounding_mk2(img, region, expand_factor=1.50, min_size=256, max_size=512):
# expand bounding box to capture more context
if not isinstance(region, set) and len(region) == 4:
min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = region[0], region[1], region[2], region[3]
x, y = zip(*region)
min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = min(x), min(y), max(x), max(y)
width, height = img.size
bb_width = max_x - min_x
bb_height = max_y - min_y
x_center = (min_x + max_x)//2
y_center = (min_y + max_y)//2
current_size = max(bb_width, bb_height)
current_size = int(current_size * expand_factor)
bb_width = int(bb_width * expand_factor)
bb_height = int(bb_height * expand_factor)
if bb_width > max_size:
bb_width = max_size
if bb_width < min_size:
bb_width = min_size
if bb_height > max_size:
bb_height = max_size
if bb_height < min_size:
bb_height = min_size
x1 = x_center - bb_width//2
x2 = x_center + bb_width//2
y1 = y_center - bb_height//2
y2 = y_center + bb_height//2
x1_square = x1
y1_square = y1
x2_square = x2
y2_square = y2
if (y1_square < 0 or y2_square > (height - 1)) and (x1_square < 0 or x2_square > (width - 1)):
# conservative square region
if x1_square < 0 and y1_square < 0:
x1_square = 0
y1_square = 0
x2_square = bb_width
y2_square = bb_height
elif x2_square > (width - 1) and y1_square < 0:
x1_square = width - bb_width - 1
y1_square = 0
x2_square = width - 1
y2_square = bb_height
elif x1_square < 0 and y2_square > (height - 1):
x1_square = 0
y1_square = height - bb_height - 1
x2_square = bb_width
y2_square = height - 1
elif x2_square > (width - 1) and y2_square > (height - 1):
x1_square = width - bb_width - 1
y1_square = height - bb_height - 1
x2_square = width - 1
y2_square = height - 1
x1_square = x1
y1_square = y1
x2_square = x2
y2_square = y2
if x1_square < 0:
difference = x1_square
x1_square -= difference
x2_square -= difference
if x2_square > (width - 1):
difference = x2_square - width + 1
x1_square -= difference
x2_square -= difference
if y1_square < 0:
difference = y1_square
y1_square -= difference
y2_square -= difference
if y2_square > (height - 1):
difference = y2_square - height + 1
y1_square -= difference
y2_square -= difference
# If the box is out of bounds, return to the original coordinates
if x2_square > width or y2_square > height:
print("bounding box out of bounds!")
print(x1_square, y1_square, x2_square, y2_square)
x1_square, y1_square, x2_square, y2_square = min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y
return int(x1_square), int(y1_square), int(x2_square), int(y2_square)
# Creates a new big box around the specified box.
# Size is the size of the picture, and not the box, which is meant to limit the coordinates of the box
# as to not go outside of the picture.
# Index 0 of the return array is a boolean mentioning if the box is too big to fit in the picture (False if too big).
def bounding_box_check_mk2(size, box, target_size=(512, 512)):
inside = True
# Get the boundaries of the box
minX = min(box[0], box[2])
maxX = max(box[0], box[2])
minY = min(box[1], box[3])
maxY = max(box[1], box[3])
# If the box has a width less than or equal to the target size (512, 512)
# a bigger box is created, centered around it
b_width = maxX - minX
if b_width <= target_size[0]:
dist_left = target_size[0] - b_width
if dist_left != 0:
minX = round(minX - dist_left/2)
maxX = round(maxX + dist_left/2)
print('Censor region is too big')
inside = False
b_height = maxY - minY
if b_height <= target_size[1]:
dist_left = target_size[1] - b_height
if dist_left != 0:
minY = round(minY - dist_left/2)
maxY = round(maxY + dist_left/2)
print('Censor region is too big')
inside = False
# This shifts the box so that it does not go outside of the picture
minX, minY = shift(size, minX, minY)
# Shrink/move the box horizontally if it is bigger than the picture
if (minX < 0 or minX + target_size[0] > size[0]):
print("No possible box of size 512,512 possible")
maxX = size[0]
maxX = minX + target_size[0]
minX = max(0, minX)
# Shrink/move the box vertically if it is bigger than the picture
if (minY < 0 or minY + target_size[1] > size[1]):
maxY = size[1]
maxY = minY + target_size[1]
minY = max(0, minY)
return [inside, (minX, minY, maxX, maxY)]
# Check if box1 fits into big_box by checking if it is within range of all other boxes.
# Size is the size of the picture and not the size of the box.
def big_bound_check_mk2(size, big_box, box1, boxes, target_size=(512, 512)):
inside = True
# Initialize maxX,maxY,minX,minY
maxX = max(box1[0], box1[2])
maxY = max(box1[1], box1[3])
minX = min(box1[0], box1[2])
minY = min(box1[1], box1[3])
# Check all the boxes for the correct min/max values
for box in boxes:
maxX = max(maxX, box[0], box[2])
maxY = max(maxY, box[1], box[3])
minX = min(minX, box[0], box[2])
minY = min(minY, box[1], box[3])
# Get the total width of the new big box
b_width = maxX - minX
# If the new big box has a width less than or equal to the target size (512, 512)
# the new box fits into the group, and the big box can be moved accordingly
if b_width <= target_size[0]:
dist_left = target_size[0] - b_width
if dist_left != 0:
minX = round(minX - dist_left/2)
maxX = round(maxX + dist_left/2)
inside = False
# Same deal for the height as for the width above
b_height = maxY - minY
if b_height <= target_size[1]:
dist_left = target_size[1] - b_height
if dist_left != 0:
minY = round(minY - dist_left/2)
maxY = round(maxY + dist_left/2)
inside = False
# Shift the box if it's close to the edge
minX, minY = shift(size, minX, minY)
# print("MaxX: {maxx}, MinX: {minx}, MaxY: {maxy}, MinY: {miny}".format(maxx=maxX, minx=minX, maxy=maxY, miny=minY))
# Shrink/move the box horizontally if it is bigger than the picture
if (minX < 0 or minX + target_size[0] > size[0]):
print("No possible box of size 512,512 possible")
maxX = size[0]
minX = size[0] - target_size[0]
if target_size[0] >= size[0]:
minX = 0
maxX = minX + target_size[0]
# Shrink/move the box vertically if it is bigger than the picture
if (minY < 0 or minY + target_size[1] > size[1]):
maxY = size[1]
minY = size[1] - target_size[1]
if target_size[1] >= size[1]:
minY = 0
maxY = minY + target_size[1]
return [inside, (minX, minY, maxX, maxY)]
# Shifts the x and y if it's too close to the edge for target_size not to be applicable
# Does not reshape the box if the target_size is greater than size of the picture
def shift(size, x, y, target_size=(512, 512)):
if x < 0:
x = 0
if (x + target_size[0]) > size[0]:
x = size[0] - target_size[0]
if y < 0:
y = 0
if (y + target_size[1]) > size[1]:
y = size[1] - target_size[1]
return x, y
# Draws boxes around the found censor regions.
if __name__ == '__main__':
image ='')
no_alpha_image = image.convert('RGB')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(no_alpha_image)
### Original
# for region in find_regions(no_alpha_image, [0, 255, 0]):
# draw.rectangle(expand_bounding_mk2(no_alpha_image, region), outline=(0, 255, 0))
### With new mask region finder
# ori_array = np.asarray(no_alpha_image)
# ori_array = np.array(ori_array / 255.0)
# ori_array = np.expand_dims(ori_array, axis=0)
# mask = get_mask(ori_array, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
# regions = region_by_mask(mask)
# for region in regions:
# draw.rectangle(expand_bounding_mk2(no_alpha_image, region), outline=(0, 255, 0))
### Using big boxes and new region finder
width, height = no_alpha_image.size
ori_array = np.asarray(no_alpha_image)
ori_array = np.array(ori_array / 255.0)
ori_array = np.expand_dims(ori_array, axis=0)
mask = get_mask(ori_array, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
# Find all the masked regions
regions = region_by_mask(mask)
box_bounds = []
# Group boxes into a bigger box that has size target_size (default: 512x512)
for region_counter, region in enumerate(regions, 1):
bounding_box = expand_bounding_mk2(no_alpha_image, region, expand_factor=1.25, min_size=64)
if (len(box_bounds) == 0):
boxCheck = bounding_box_check_mk2((width, height), bounding_box, target_size=(512, 512))
if (boxCheck[0]):
box_bounds.append([boxCheck[1], [bounding_box], [region]])
print("Censor region exceeds boundary: {}".format(bounding_box))
for i in range(len(box_bounds)):
boxCheck = big_bound_check_mk2((width, height), box_bounds[i][0], bounding_box, box_bounds[i][1], (512, 512))
if (boxCheck[0]):
box_bounds[i][0] = boxCheck[1]
if (i == len(box_bounds) - 1):
boxCheck = bounding_box_check_mk2((width, height), bounding_box, target_size=(512, 512))
if (boxCheck[0]):
box_bounds.append([boxCheck[1], [bounding_box], [region]])
print("Censor region exceeds boundary: {}".format(bounding_box))
# Iterate over the big boxes and draw them to the picture
for indx, region in enumerate(box_bounds):
# Alternate colors
c = (255 * (0 if (indx) % 3 == 0 else 1), 255 * (0 if (indx + 1) % 3 == 0 else 1), 255 * (0 if (indx + 2) % 3 == 0 else 1))
# print(indx, c)
# Display the big box
draw.rectangle(region[0], outline=c, width=5)
# Display all the boxes that are grouped in the big box, uncomment to show
for box in region[1]:
draw.rectangle(expand_bounding_mk2(no_alpha_image, box, expand_factor=1.25), outline=c, width=3)