import os from datetime import datetime from keras.models import Model from keras.models import load_model from keras.optimizers import Adam from keras.layers import Input, Conv2D, UpSampling2D, Dropout, LeakyReLU, BatchNormalization, Activation from keras.layers.merge import Concatenate #from keras.applications import VGG16 from keras import backend as K from libs.pconv_layer import PConv2D class PConvUnet(object): def __init__(self, img_rows=512, img_cols=512, weight_filepath=None): """Create the PConvUnet. If variable image size, set img_rows and img_cols to None""" # Settings self.weight_filepath = weight_filepath self.img_rows = img_rows self.img_cols = img_cols assert self.img_rows >= 256, 'Height must be >256 pixels' assert self.img_cols >= 256, 'Width must be >256 pixels' # Set current epoch self.current_epoch = 0 # # VGG layers to extract features from (first maxpooling layers, see pp. 7 of paper) # self.vgg_layers = [3, 6, 10] # # Get the vgg16 model for perceptual loss # self.vgg = self.build_vgg() # Create UNet-like model self.model = self.build_pconv_unet() # def build_vgg(self): # """ # Load pre-trained VGG16 from keras applications # Extract features to be used in loss function from last conv layer, see architecture at: # # """ # # Input image to extract features from # img = Input(shape=(self.img_rows, self.img_cols, 3)) # # Get the vgg network from Keras applications # vgg = VGG16(weights="imagenet", include_top=False) # # Output the first three pooling layers # vgg.outputs = [vgg.layers[i].output for i in self.vgg_layers] # # Create model and compile # model = Model(inputs=img, outputs=vgg(img)) # model.trainable = False # model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam') # return model def build_pconv_unet(self, train_bn=True, lr=0.0002): # INPUTS inputs_img = Input((self.img_rows, self.img_cols, 3)) inputs_mask = Input((self.img_rows, self.img_cols, 3)) loss_mask = Input((self.img_rows, self.img_cols, 3)) # ENCODER def encoder_layer(img_in, mask_in, filters, kernel_size, bn=True): conv, mask = PConv2D(filters, kernel_size, strides=2, padding='same')([img_in, mask_in]) if bn: conv = BatchNormalization(name='EncBN'+str(encoder_layer.counter))(conv, training=train_bn) conv = Activation('relu')(conv) encoder_layer.counter += 1 return conv, mask encoder_layer.counter = 0 e_conv1, e_mask1 = encoder_layer(inputs_img, inputs_mask, 64, 7, bn=False) e_conv2, e_mask2 = encoder_layer(e_conv1, e_mask1, 128, 5) e_conv3, e_mask3 = encoder_layer(e_conv2, e_mask2, 256, 5) e_conv4, e_mask4 = encoder_layer(e_conv3, e_mask3, 512, 3) e_conv5, e_mask5 = encoder_layer(e_conv4, e_mask4, 512, 3) e_conv6, e_mask6 = encoder_layer(e_conv5, e_mask5, 512, 3) e_conv7, e_mask7 = encoder_layer(e_conv6, e_mask6, 512, 3) e_conv8, e_mask8 = encoder_layer(e_conv7, e_mask7, 512, 3) # DECODER def decoder_layer(img_in, mask_in, e_conv, e_mask, filters, kernel_size, bn=True): up_img = UpSampling2D(size=(2,2))(img_in) up_mask = UpSampling2D(size=(2,2))(mask_in) concat_img = Concatenate(axis=3)([e_conv,up_img]) concat_mask = Concatenate(axis=3)([e_mask,up_mask]) conv, mask = PConv2D(filters, kernel_size, padding='same')([concat_img, concat_mask]) if bn: conv = BatchNormalization()(conv) conv = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(conv) return conv, mask d_conv9, d_mask9 = decoder_layer(e_conv8, e_mask8, e_conv7, e_mask7, 512, 3) d_conv10, d_mask10 = decoder_layer(d_conv9, d_mask9, e_conv6, e_mask6, 512, 3) d_conv11, d_mask11 = decoder_layer(d_conv10, d_mask10, e_conv5, e_mask5, 512, 3) d_conv12, d_mask12 = decoder_layer(d_conv11, d_mask11, e_conv4, e_mask4, 512, 3) d_conv13, d_mask13 = decoder_layer(d_conv12, d_mask12, e_conv3, e_mask3, 256, 3) d_conv14, d_mask14 = decoder_layer(d_conv13, d_mask13, e_conv2, e_mask2, 128, 3) d_conv15, d_mask15 = decoder_layer(d_conv14, d_mask14, e_conv1, e_mask1, 64, 3) d_conv16, d_mask16 = decoder_layer(d_conv15, d_mask15, inputs_img, inputs_mask, 3, 3, bn=False) outputs = Conv2D(3, 1, activation = 'sigmoid')(d_conv16) # Setup the model inputs / outputs model = Model(inputs=[inputs_img, inputs_mask, loss_mask], outputs=outputs) # Compile the model model.compile( optimizer = Adam(lr=lr), loss='mse' #loss really isn't mse, but we don't need the vgg16 model for inference so we don't to have to download the vgg16 model #loss=self.loss_total(loss_mask) ) return model # def loss_total(self, mask): # """ # Creates a loss function which sums all the loss components # and multiplies by their weights. See paper eq. 7. # """ # def loss(y_true, y_pred): # # Compute predicted image with non-hole pixels set to ground truth # y_comp = mask * y_true + (1-mask) * y_pred # # Compute the vgg features # vgg_out = self.vgg(y_pred) # vgg_gt = self.vgg(y_true) # vgg_comp = self.vgg(y_comp) # # Compute loss components # l1 = self.loss_valid(mask, y_true, y_pred) # l2 = self.loss_hole(mask, y_true, y_pred) # l3 = self.loss_perceptual(vgg_out, vgg_gt, vgg_comp) # l4 = self.loss_style(vgg_out, vgg_gt) # l5 = self.loss_style(vgg_comp, vgg_gt) # l6 = self.loss_tv(mask, y_comp) # # Return loss function # return l1 + 6*l2 + 0.05*l3 + 120*(l4+l5) + 0.1*l6 # return loss # def loss_hole(self, mask, y_true, y_pred): # """Pixel L1 loss within the hole / mask""" # return self.l1((1-mask) * y_true, (1-mask) * y_pred) # def loss_valid(self, mask, y_true, y_pred): # """Pixel L1 loss outside the hole / mask""" # return self.l1(mask * y_true, mask * y_pred) # def loss_perceptual(self, vgg_out, vgg_gt, vgg_comp): # """Perceptual loss based on VGG16, see. eq. 3 in paper""" # loss = 0 # for o, c, g in zip(vgg_out, vgg_comp, vgg_gt): # loss += self.l1(o, g) + self.l1(c, g) # return loss # def loss_style(self, output, vgg_gt): # """Style loss based on output/computation, used for both eq. 4 & 5 in paper""" # loss = 0 # for o, g in zip(output, vgg_gt): # loss += self.l1(self.gram_matrix(o), self.gram_matrix(g)) # return loss # def loss_tv(self, mask, y_comp): # """Total variation loss, used for smoothing the hole region, see. eq. 6""" # # Create dilated hole region using a 3x3 kernel of all 1s. # kernel = K.ones(shape=(3, 3, mask.shape[3], mask.shape[3])) # dilated_mask = K.conv2d(1-mask, kernel, data_format='channels_last', padding='same') # # Cast values to be [0., 1.], and compute dilated hole region of y_comp # dilated_mask = K.cast(K.greater(dilated_mask, 0), 'float32') # P = dilated_mask * y_comp # # Calculate total variation loss # a = self.l1(P[:,1:,:,:], P[:,:-1,:,:]) # b = self.l1(P[:,:,1:,:], P[:,:,:-1,:]) # return a+b def fit(self, generator, epochs=10, plot_callback=None, *args, **kwargs): """Fit the U-Net to a (images, targets) generator param generator: training generator yielding (maskes_image, original_image) tuples param epochs: number of epochs to train for param plot_callback: callback function taking Unet model as parameter """ # Loop over epochs for _ in range(epochs): # Fit the model self.model.fit_generator( generator, epochs=self.current_epoch+1, initial_epoch=self.current_epoch, *args, **kwargs ) # Update epoch self.current_epoch += 1 # After each epoch predict on test images & show them if plot_callback: plot_callback(self.model) # Save logfile if self.weight_filepath: def predict(self, sample): """Run prediction using this model""" return self.model.predict(sample) def summary(self): """Get summary of the UNet model""" print(self.model.summary()) def save(self): self.model.save_weights(self.current_weightfile()) def load(self, filepath, train_bn=True, lr=0.0002): # Create UNet-like model self.model = self.build_pconv_unet(train_bn, lr) # Load weights into model #epoch = 50 # epoch = int(os.path.basename(filepath).split("_")[0]) # assert epoch > 0, "Could not parse weight file. Should start with 'X_', with X being the epoch" # self.current_epoch = epoch self.model.load_weights(filepath) def current_weightfile(self): assert self.weight_filepath != None, 'Must specify location of logs' return self.weight_filepath + "{}_weights_{}.h5".format(self.current_epoch, self.current_timestamp()) @staticmethod def current_timestamp(): return'%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') @staticmethod def l1(y_true, y_pred): """Calculate the L1 loss used in all loss calculations""" if K.ndim(y_true) == 4: return K.sum(K.abs(y_pred - y_true), axis=[1,2,3]) elif K.ndim(y_true) == 3: return K.sum(K.abs(y_pred - y_true), axis=[1,2]) else: raise NotImplementedError("Calculating L1 loss on 1D tensors? should not occur for this network") @staticmethod def gram_matrix(x, norm_by_channels=False): """Calculate gram matrix used in style loss""" # Assertions on input assert K.ndim(x) == 4, 'Input tensor should be a 4d (B, H, W, C) tensor' assert K.image_data_format() == 'channels_last', "Please use channels-last format" # Permute channels and get resulting shape x = K.permute_dimensions(x, (0, 3, 1, 2)) shape = K.shape(x) B, C, H, W = shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], shape[3] # Reshape x and do batch dot product features = K.reshape(x, K.stack([B, C, H*W])) gram = K.batch_dot(features, features, axes=2) # Normalize with channels, height and width gram = gram / K.cast(C * H * W, x.dtype) return gram