This project applies an implementation of [Globally and Locally Consistent Image Completion]( to the problem of hentai decensorship. Using a deep fully convolutional neural network, DeepMindBreak can replace censored artwork in hentai with plausible reconstructions. The user needs to only specify the censored regions.
Embarrassingly, because the neural network was trained to decensor horizontally and vertically oriented rectangles, it has trouble with angled rectangles. This will be fixed soon.
Using image editing software like Photoshop or GIMP, paint the areas you want to decensor the color with RGB values of (0,255,0). You can change the mask color in config. For each censored region, crop 128 x 128 size images containing the censored regions from your images and save them as new ".png" images.
You must have a GPU for training since training on a CPU will take weeks.
Your custom dataset should be 128 x 128 images of uncensored vaginas and penises cropped from hentai. The more images, the better: I used 70,000 images for training. Censoring these images yourself is unnecessary.
Example image by dannychoo under [CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 License]( The example image is modified from the original, which can be found [here](
Code is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License and is modified from tadax's project [Globally and Locally Consistent Image Completion with TensorFlow ]( and shinseung428's project [], which are implementations of the paper [Globally and Locally Consistent Image Completion]( It also has a modified version of parosky's project [poissonblending](