2018-10-20 04:11:20 +00:00
Code illustration : 6.09
Modules imported here :
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import filedialog
Attributes added here :
file_name = " untitled "
Methods modified here :
on_new_file_menu_clicked ( )
on_save_menu_clicked ( )
on_save_as_menu_clicked ( )
on_close_menu_clicked ( )
on_undo_menu_clicked ( )
on_canvas_zoom_in_menu_clicked ( )
on_canvas_zoom_out_menu_clicked ( )
on_about_menu_clicked ( )
Methods added here
start_new_project ( )
actual_save ( )
close_window ( )
undo ( )
canvas_zoom_in ( )
canvas_zoom_out ( )
@ Tkinter GUI Application Development Blueprints
import math
from PIL import Image , ImageTk , ImageDraw
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import colorchooser
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import filedialog
2018-11-02 09:53:40 +00:00
import libs . framework as framework
2018-10-20 04:11:20 +00:00
import decensor
2018-11-01 14:47:54 +00:00
import os
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class PaintApplication ( framework . Framework ) :
def __init__ ( self , root ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( root )
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self . circle = 0
2018-10-20 04:11:20 +00:00
self . drawn_img = None
self . screen_width = root . winfo_screenwidth ( )
self . screen_height = root . winfo_screenheight ( )
self . start_x , self . start_y = 0 , 0
self . end_x , self . end_y = 0 , 0
self . current_item = None
self . fill = " #00ff00 "
self . fill_pil = ( 0 , 255 , 0 , 255 )
self . outline = " #00ff00 "
self . brush_width = 2
self . background = ' white '
self . foreground = " #00ff00 "
self . file_name = " Untitled "
self . tool_bar_functions = (
" draw_line " , " draw_irregular_line "
self . selected_tool_bar_function = self . tool_bar_functions [ 0 ]
self . create_gui ( )
self . bind_mouse ( )
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# Create blank image to avoid errors with irregular line drawing on blank canvas
self . canvas . img = Image . new ( ' RGB ' , ( 800 , 1280 ) , ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
self . canvas . img_width , self . canvas . img_height = self . canvas . img . size
# make reference to image to prevent garbage collection
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20061396/image-display-on-tkinter-canvas-not-working
self . canvas . tk_img = ImageTk . PhotoImage ( self . canvas . img )
self . canvas . config ( width = self . canvas . img_width , height = self . canvas . img_height )
self . canvas . create_image ( self . canvas . img_width / 2.0 , self . canvas . img_height / 2.0 , image = self . canvas . tk_img )
self . drawn_img = Image . new ( " RGBA " , self . canvas . img . size )
self . drawn_img_draw = ImageDraw . Draw ( self . drawn_img )
2018-10-20 04:11:20 +00:00
def on_new_file_menu_clicked ( self , event = None ) :
self . start_new_project ( )
def start_new_project ( self ) :
self . canvas . delete ( tk . ALL )
self . canvas . config ( bg = " #ffffff " )
self . root . title ( ' untitled ' )
def on_open_image_menu_clicked ( self , event = None ) :
self . open_image ( )
def open_image ( self ) :
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self . file_name = filedialog . askopenfilename ( master = self . root , title = " Open... " )
2018-10-20 04:11:20 +00:00
print ( self . file_name )
self . canvas . img = Image . open ( self . file_name )
self . canvas . img_width , self . canvas . img_height = self . canvas . img . size
#make reference to image to prevent garbage collection
self . canvas . tk_img = ImageTk . PhotoImage ( self . canvas . img )
self . canvas . config ( width = self . canvas . img_width , height = self . canvas . img_height )
self . canvas . create_image ( self . canvas . img_width / 2.0 , self . canvas . img_height / 2.0 , image = self . canvas . tk_img )
self . drawn_img = Image . new ( " RGBA " , self . canvas . img . size )
self . drawn_img_draw = ImageDraw . Draw ( self . drawn_img )
def on_import_mask_clicked ( self , event = None ) :
self . import_mask ( )
def display_canvas ( self ) :
composite_img = Image . alpha_composite ( self . canvas . img . convert ( ' RGBA ' ) , self . drawn_img ) . convert ( ' RGB ' )
self . canvas . tk_img = ImageTk . PhotoImage ( composite_img )
self . canvas . create_image ( self . canvas . img_width / 2.0 , self . canvas . img_height / 2.0 , image = self . canvas . tk_img )
def import_mask ( self ) :
file_name_mask = filedialog . askopenfilename ( master = self . root , filetypes = [ ( " All Files " , " *.* " ) ] , title = " Import mask... " )
mask_img = Image . open ( file_name_mask )
if ( mask_img . size != self . canvas . img . size ) :
messagebox . showerror ( " Import mask " , " Mask image size does not match the original image size! Mask image not imported. " )
self . drawn_img = mask_img
self . drawn_img_draw = ImageDraw . Draw ( self . drawn_img )
self . display_canvas ( )
def on_save_menu_clicked ( self , event = None ) :
if self . file_name == ' untitled ' :
self . on_save_as_menu_clicked ( )
else :
self . actual_save ( )
def on_save_as_menu_clicked ( self ) :
file_name = filedialog . asksaveasfilename (
2018-11-01 14:27:59 +00:00
master = self . root , filetypes = [ ( ' All Files ' , ( ' *.png ' ) ) ] , title = " Save... " )
2018-10-20 04:11:20 +00:00
if not file_name :
self . file_name = file_name
self . actual_save ( )
def actual_save ( self ) :
self . canvas . postscript ( file = self . file_name , colormode = ' color ' )
self . root . title ( self . file_name )
def on_close_menu_clicked ( self ) :
self . close_window ( )
def close_window ( self ) :
if messagebox . askokcancel ( " Quit " , " Do you really want to quit? " ) :
self . root . destroy ( )
def on_undo_menu_clicked ( self , event = None ) :
self . undo ( )
def undo ( self ) :
items_stack = list ( self . canvas . find ( " all " ) )
try :
last_item_id = items_stack . pop ( )
except IndexError :
self . canvas . delete ( last_item_id )
def on_canvas_zoom_in_menu_clicked ( self ) :
self . canvas_zoom_in ( )
def on_canvas_zoom_out_menu_clicked ( self ) :
self . canvas_zoom_out ( )
def canvas_zoom_in ( self ) :
self . canvas . scale ( " all " , 0 , 0 , 1.2 , 1.2 )
self . canvas . config ( scrollregion = self . canvas . bbox ( tk . ALL ) )
self . canvas . pack ( side = tk . RIGHT , expand = tk . YES , fill = tk . BOTH )
def canvas_zoom_out ( self ) :
self . canvas . scale ( " all " , 0 , 0 , .8 , .8 )
self . canvas . config ( scrollregion = self . canvas . bbox ( tk . ALL ) )
self . canvas . pack ( side = tk . RIGHT , expand = tk . YES , fill = tk . BOTH )
def on_decensor_menu_clicked ( self , event = None ) :
combined_img = Image . alpha_composite ( self . canvas . img . convert ( ' RGBA ' ) , self . drawn_img )
decensorer = decensor . Decensor ( )
2018-11-01 14:47:54 +00:00
orig_name = self . file_name
path , file = os . path . split ( self . file_name )
name , ext = os . path . splitext ( file )
name = name + " _decensored "
self . file_name = os . path . join ( path , name + ext )
decensorer . decensor_image ( combined_img . convert ( ' RGB ' ) , combined_img . convert ( ' RGB ' ) , self . file_name )
2018-10-20 04:11:20 +00:00
messagebox . showinfo (
2018-11-01 14:47:54 +00:00
" Decensoring " , " Decensoring complete! image saved to {save_path} " . format ( save_path = self . file_name ) )
self . file_name = orig_name
2018-10-20 04:11:20 +00:00
def on_about_menu_clicked ( self , event = None ) :
# messagebox.showinfo(
# "Decensoring", "Decensoring in progress.")
messagebox . showinfo (
" About " , " Tkinter GUI Application \n Development Blueprints " )
def get_all_configurations_for_item ( self ) :
configuration_dict = { }
for key , value in self . canvas . itemconfig ( " current " ) . items ( ) :
if value [ - 1 ] and value [ - 1 ] not in [ " 0 " , " 0.0 " , " 0,0 " , " current " ] :
configuration_dict [ key ] = value [ - 1 ]
return configuration_dict
def canvas_function_wrapper ( self , function_name , * arg , * * kwargs ) :
func = getattr ( self . canvas , function_name )
func ( * arg , * * kwargs )
def adjust_canvas_coords ( self , x_coordinate , y_coordinate ) :
# low_x, high_x = self.x_scroll.get()
# percent_x = low_x/(1+low_x-high_x)
# low_y, high_y = self.y_scroll.get()
# percent_y = low_y/(1+low_y-high_y)
low_x , high_x = self . x_scroll . get ( )
low_y , high_y = self . y_scroll . get ( )
#length_y = high_y - low_y
return low_x * 800 + x_coordinate , low_y * 800 + y_coordinate
def create_circle ( self , x , y , r , * * kwargs ) :
return self . canvas . create_oval ( x - r , y - r , x + r , y + r , * * kwargs )
def draw_irregular_line ( self ) :
# self.current_item = self.canvas.create_line(
# self.start_x, self.start_y, self.end_x, self.end_y, fill=self.fill, width=self.brush_width)
# self.current_item = self.create_circle(self.end_x, self.end_y, self.brush_width/2.0, fill=self.fill, width=0)
#draw in PIL
self . drawn_img_draw . line ( ( self . start_x , self . start_y , self . end_x , self . end_y ) , fill = self . fill_pil , width = int ( self . brush_width ) )
self . drawn_img_draw . ellipse ( ( self . end_x - self . brush_width / 2.0 , self . end_y - self . brush_width / 2.0 , self . end_x + self . brush_width / 2.0 , self . end_y + self . brush_width / 2.0 ) , fill = self . fill_pil )
self . display_canvas ( )
# composite_img = Image.alpha_composite(self.canvas.img.convert('RGBA'), self.drawn_img).convert('RGB')
# self.canvas.tk_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(composite_img)
# self.canvas.create_image(self.canvas.img_width/2.0,self.canvas.img_height/2.0,image=self.canvas.tk_img)
self . canvas . bind ( " <B1-Motion> " , self . draw_irregular_line_update_x_y )
2018-11-01 14:27:59 +00:00
# Creates circular indicator for brush size, modified from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42631060/draw-a-defined-size-circle-around-cursor-in-tkinter-python
def motion ( self , event = None ) :
x , y = event . x , event . y
# the addition is just to center the oval around the center of the mouse
# remove the the +3 and +7 if you want to center it around the point of the mouse
self . canvas . delete ( self . circle ) # to refresh the circle each motion
radius = self . brush_width / 2.0 # change this for the size of your circle
x_max = x + radius
x_min = x - radius
y_max = y + radius
y_min = y - radius
self . circle = self . canvas . create_oval ( x_max , y_max , x_min , y_min , outline = " black " )
2018-10-20 04:11:20 +00:00
def draw_irregular_line_update_x_y ( self , event = None ) :
self . start_x , self . start_y = self . end_x , self . end_y
self . end_x , self . end_y = self . adjust_canvas_coords ( event . x , event . y )
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# self.motion(event)
2018-10-20 04:11:20 +00:00
self . draw_irregular_line ( )
2018-11-01 14:27:59 +00:00
self . motion ( event )
2018-11-01 15:31:55 +00:00
def draw_line_update_x_y ( self , event = None ) :
self . start_x , self . start_y = self . end_x , self . end_y
# self.end_x, self.end_y = self.adjust_canvas_coords(event.x, event.y)
# self.motion(event)
self . draw_line ( )
self . motion ( event )
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def draw_irregular_line_options ( self ) :
self . create_fill_options_combobox ( )
self . create_width_options_combobox ( )
def on_tool_bar_button_clicked ( self , button_index ) :
self . selected_tool_bar_function = self . tool_bar_functions [ button_index ]
self . remove_options_from_top_bar ( )
self . display_options_in_the_top_bar ( )
self . bind_mouse ( )
def float_range ( self , x , y , step ) :
while x < y :
yield x
x + = step
def set_foreground_color ( self , event = None ) :
self . foreground = self . get_color_from_chooser (
self . foreground , " foreground " )
self . color_palette . itemconfig (
self . foreground_palette , width = 0 , fill = self . foreground )
def set_background_color ( self , event = None ) :
self . background = self . get_color_from_chooser (
self . background , " background " )
self . color_palette . itemconfig (
self . background_palette , width = 0 , fill = self . background )
def get_color_from_chooser ( self , initial_color , color_type = " a " ) :
color = colorchooser . askcolor (
color = initial_color ,
title = " select {} color " . format ( color_type )
) [ - 1 ]
if color :
return color
# dialog has been cancelled
else :
return initial_color
def try_to_set_fill_after_palette_change ( self ) :
try :
self . set_fill ( )
except :
def try_to_set_outline_after_palette_change ( self ) :
try :
self . set_outline ( )
except :
def display_options_in_the_top_bar ( self ) :
self . show_selected_tool_icon_in_top_bar (
self . selected_tool_bar_function )
options_function_name = " {} _options " . format ( self . selected_tool_bar_function )
func = getattr ( self , options_function_name , self . function_not_defined )
func ( )
def draw_line_options ( self ) :
self . create_fill_options_combobox ( )
self . create_width_options_combobox ( )
def create_fill_options_combobox ( self ) :
tk . Label ( self . top_bar , text = ' Fill: ' ) . pack ( side = " left " )
self . fill_combobox = ttk . Combobox (
self . top_bar , state = ' readonly ' , width = 5 )
self . fill_combobox . pack ( side = " left " )
self . fill_combobox [ ' values ' ] = ( ' none ' , ' fg ' , ' bg ' , ' black ' , ' white ' )
self . fill_combobox . bind ( ' <<ComboboxSelected>> ' , self . set_fill )
self . fill_combobox . set ( self . fill )
def create_outline_options_combobox ( self ) :
tk . Label ( self . top_bar , text = ' Outline: ' ) . pack ( side = " left " )
self . outline_combobox = ttk . Combobox (
self . top_bar , state = ' readonly ' , width = 5 )
self . outline_combobox . pack ( side = " left " )
self . outline_combobox [ ' values ' ] = (
' none ' , ' fg ' , ' bg ' , ' black ' , ' white ' )
self . outline_combobox . bind ( ' <<ComboboxSelected>> ' , self . set_outline )
self . outline_combobox . set ( self . outline )
def create_width_options_combobox ( self ) :
tk . Label ( self . top_bar , text = ' Width: ' ) . pack ( side = " left " )
self . width_combobox = ttk . Combobox (
self . top_bar , state = ' readonly ' , width = 3 )
self . width_combobox . pack ( side = " left " )
self . width_combobox [ ' values ' ] = (
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 )
self . width_combobox . bind ( ' <<ComboboxSelected>> ' , self . set_brush_width )
self . width_combobox . set ( self . brush_width )
def set_fill ( self , event = None ) :
fill_color = self . fill_combobox . get ( )
if fill_color == ' none ' :
self . fill = ' ' # transparent
elif fill_color == ' fg ' :
self . fill = self . foreground
elif fill_color == ' bg ' :
self . fill = self . background
else :
self . fill = fill_color
def set_outline ( self , event = None ) :
outline_color = self . outline_combobox . get ( )
if outline_color == ' none ' :
self . outline = ' ' # transparent
elif outline_color == ' fg ' :
self . outline = self . foreground
elif outline_color == ' bg ' :
self . outline = self . background
else :
self . outline = outline_color
def set_brush_width ( self , event ) :
self . brush_width = float ( self . width_combobox . get ( ) )
def create_color_palette ( self ) :
self . color_palette = tk . Canvas ( self . tool_bar , height = 55 , width = 55 )
self . color_palette . grid ( row = 10 , column = 1 , columnspan = 2 , pady = 5 , padx = 3 )
self . background_palette = self . color_palette . create_rectangle (
15 , 15 , 48 , 48 , outline = self . background , fill = self . background )
self . foreground_palette = self . color_palette . create_rectangle (
1 , 1 , 33 , 33 , outline = self . foreground , fill = self . foreground )
self . bind_color_palette ( )
def bind_color_palette ( self ) :
self . color_palette . tag_bind (
self . background_palette , " <Button-1> " , self . set_background_color )
self . color_palette . tag_bind (
self . foreground_palette , " <Button-1> " , self . set_foreground_color )
def create_current_coordinate_label ( self ) :
self . current_coordinate_label = tk . Label (
self . tool_bar , text = ' x:0 \n y: 0 ' )
self . current_coordinate_label . grid (
row = 13 , column = 1 , columnspan = 2 , pady = 5 , padx = 1 , sticky = ' w ' )
def show_current_coordinates ( self , event = None ) :
x_coordinate = event . x
y_coordinate = event . y
coordinate_string = " x: {0} \n y: {1} " . format ( x_coordinate , y_coordinate )
self . current_coordinate_label . config ( text = coordinate_string )
def function_not_defined ( self ) :
def execute_selected_method ( self ) :
self . current_item = None
func = getattr (
self , self . selected_tool_bar_function , self . function_not_defined )
func ( )
2018-11-01 15:31:55 +00:00
#TODO: fix this function. Lines made by this disappear upon using irregular line tool
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def draw_line ( self ) :
self . current_item = self . canvas . create_line (
self . start_x , self . start_y , self . end_x , self . end_y , fill = self . fill , width = self . brush_width )
2018-11-01 15:31:55 +00:00
# self.drawn_img_draw.line((self.start_x, self.start_y, self.end_x, self.end_y), fill=self.fill_pil, width=int(self.brush_width))
# self.display_canvas()
# self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.draw_line_update_x_y)
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def create_tool_bar_buttons ( self ) :
for index , name in enumerate ( self . tool_bar_functions ) :
icon = tk . PhotoImage ( file = ' icons/ ' + name + ' .gif ' )
self . button = tk . Button (
self . tool_bar , image = icon , command = lambda index = index : self . on_tool_bar_button_clicked ( index ) )
self . button . grid (
row = index / / 2 , column = 1 + index % 2 , sticky = ' nsew ' )
self . button . image = icon
def remove_options_from_top_bar ( self ) :
for child in self . top_bar . winfo_children ( ) :
child . destroy ( )
def show_selected_tool_icon_in_top_bar ( self , function_name ) :
display_name = function_name . replace ( " _ " , " " ) . capitalize ( ) + " : "
tk . Label ( self . top_bar , text = display_name ) . pack ( side = " left " )
photo = tk . PhotoImage (
file = ' icons/ ' + function_name + ' .gif ' )
label = tk . Label ( self . top_bar , image = photo )
label . image = photo
label . pack ( side = " left " )
def bind_mouse ( self ) :
self . canvas . bind ( " <Button-1> " , self . on_mouse_button_pressed )
self . canvas . bind (
" <Button1-Motion> " , self . on_mouse_button_pressed_motion )
self . canvas . bind (
" <Button1-ButtonRelease> " , self . on_mouse_button_released )
self . canvas . bind ( " <Motion> " , self . on_mouse_unpressed_motion )
def on_mouse_button_pressed ( self , event ) :
self . start_x = self . end_x = self . canvas . canvasx ( event . x )
self . start_y = self . end_y = self . canvas . canvasy ( event . y )
self . execute_selected_method ( )
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self . motion ( event )
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def on_mouse_button_pressed_motion ( self , event ) :
self . end_x = self . canvas . canvasx ( event . x )
self . end_y = self . canvas . canvasy ( event . y )
self . canvas . delete ( self . current_item )
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self . motion ( event )
2018-10-20 04:11:20 +00:00
self . execute_selected_method ( )
def on_mouse_button_released ( self , event ) :
self . end_x = self . canvas . canvasx ( event . x )
self . end_y = self . canvas . canvasy ( event . y )
2018-11-01 14:27:59 +00:00
self . motion ( event )
2018-10-20 04:11:20 +00:00
def on_mouse_unpressed_motion ( self , event ) :
self . show_current_coordinates ( event )
2018-11-01 14:27:59 +00:00
self . motion ( event )
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def create_gui ( self ) :
self . create_menu ( )
self . create_top_bar ( )
self . create_tool_bar ( )
self . create_tool_bar_buttons ( )
self . create_drawing_canvas ( )
self . create_color_palette ( )
self . create_current_coordinate_label ( )
self . bind_menu_accelrator_keys ( )
self . show_selected_tool_icon_in_top_bar ( " draw_line " )
self . draw_line_options ( )
def create_menu ( self ) :
self . menubar = tk . Menu ( self . root )
menu_definitions = (
' File- &New/Ctrl+N/self.on_new_file_menu_clicked, Open/Ctrl+O/self.on_open_image_menu_clicked, Import Mask/Ctrl+M/self.on_import_mask_clicked, Save/Ctrl+S/self.on_save_menu_clicked, SaveAs/ /self.on_save_as_menu_clicked, sep, Exit/Alt+F4/self.on_close_menu_clicked ' ,
' Edit- Undo/Ctrl+Z/self.on_undo_menu_clicked, sep ' ,
' View- Zoom in//self.on_canvas_zoom_in_menu_clicked,Zoom Out//self.on_canvas_zoom_out_menu_clicked ' ,
' Decensor- Decensor/Ctrl+D/self.on_decensor_menu_clicked ' ,
' About- About/F1/self.on_about_menu_clicked '
self . build_menu ( menu_definitions )
def create_top_bar ( self ) :
self . top_bar = tk . Frame ( self . root , height = 25 , relief = " raised " )
self . top_bar . pack ( fill = " x " , side = " top " , pady = 2 )
def create_tool_bar ( self ) :
self . tool_bar = tk . Frame ( self . root , relief = " raised " , width = 50 )
self . tool_bar . pack ( fill = " y " , side = " left " , pady = 3 )
def create_drawing_canvas ( self ) :
self . canvas_frame = tk . Frame ( self . root , width = 900 , height = 900 )
self . canvas_frame . pack ( side = " right " , expand = " yes " , fill = " both " )
self . canvas = tk . Canvas ( self . canvas_frame , background = " white " ,
width = 512 , height = 512 , scrollregion = ( 0 , 0 , 512 , 512 ) )
self . create_scroll_bar ( )
self . canvas . pack ( side = tk . RIGHT , expand = tk . YES , fill = tk . BOTH )
self . canvas . img = Image . open ( ' ./icons/canvas_top_test.png ' ) . convert ( ' RGBA ' )
self . canvas . img = self . canvas . img . resize ( ( 512 , 512 ) )
self . canvas . tk_img = ImageTk . PhotoImage ( self . canvas . img )
self . canvas . create_image ( 256 , 256 , image = self . canvas . tk_img )
def create_scroll_bar ( self ) :
self . x_scroll = tk . Scrollbar ( self . canvas_frame , orient = " horizontal " )
self . x_scroll . pack ( side = " bottom " , fill = " x " )
self . x_scroll . config ( command = self . canvas . xview )
self . y_scroll = tk . Scrollbar ( self . canvas_frame , orient = " vertical " )
self . y_scroll . pack ( side = " right " , fill = " y " )
self . y_scroll . config ( command = self . canvas . yview )
self . canvas . config (
xscrollcommand = self . x_scroll . set , yscrollcommand = self . y_scroll . set )
def bind_menu_accelrator_keys ( self ) :
self . root . bind ( ' <KeyPress-F1> ' , self . on_about_menu_clicked )
self . root . bind ( ' <Control-N> ' , self . on_new_file_menu_clicked )
self . root . bind ( ' <Control-n> ' , self . on_new_file_menu_clicked )
self . root . bind ( ' <Control-s> ' , self . on_save_menu_clicked )
self . root . bind ( ' <Control-S> ' , self . on_save_menu_clicked )
self . root . bind ( ' <Control-z> ' , self . on_undo_menu_clicked )
self . root . bind ( ' <Control-Z> ' , self . on_undo_menu_clicked )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
root = tk . Tk ( )
app = PaintApplication ( root )
root . mainloop ( )